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VII Intra-University Student Olympiad in Surgery was held at DSMU



The Seventh Intramural Student Surgery Olympiad was held on 26-27 January 2024 at the department of operative surgery with topographic anatomy, organized by SRS/SRC operative surgery and topographic anatomy represented by the surgical community “Corde puro”, with the support of the volunteer center and the youth media center of DSMU.

At the inaugural ceremony of the Olympiad, distinguished scientists and clinicians delivered welcoming speeches. These included Inna Tulina, Co-Chairman of the Russian Society of Colorectal Surgeons and Candidate of Medical Sciences at the Department of Surgery at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. Additionally, Magomed Khamidov, Vice-Rector for Medical Affairs at the DSMU, and Magomed Akhmadudinov, Head of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, also spoke. Ilyas Kiblaev, Scientific Director of the Olympiad’s student-led research circle, delivered a final speech.

The Olympiad was attended by 7 teams of students of various courses and faculties, who passed the preliminary qualifying stage.

As part of the Olympiad, participants had to compete in both theoretical and practical competitions. 

The program consisted of the following competitions; Theoretical, Surgical Approaches, Theory in Neurosurgery, Surgical Knotting, Desmurgy, Vascular Suture, Tendon Suture, Colorectal Surgery, Urology, Plastic, Thoracic Surgery, Cardiac Surgery and Abdominal Surgery.

Students won practical competitions:

Desmurgy Competition – Anisat Magomedova;

Thoracic Surgery Competition – Tamerlan Abdurahimov;

Tendon Suture Competition – Zhanshah Adamov;

Plastic Surgery Competition – Maryam Daudova;

“Cardiac Surgery” Competition – Zeynab Beybalayeva;

Vascular Surgery Competition – Asiyat Ramazanova;

Urology Competition – Patimat Magomedova;

Colorectal Surgery Competition – Maryam Daudova;

Abdominal Surgery Competition – Maryam Hasanova.

Maryam Daudova has been awarded the title of “Best Surgeon” in the competition. She has also been offered an internship at the Clinic of Coloproctology and Minimally Invasive Surgery at the I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University for her outstanding performance in the Colorectal Surgery contest, which was sponsored by the Russian Society of Colorectal Surgeons.

In the team competition, the places were distributed as follows: 

1st place – Antrax team

2nd place – “Jamaat” team

3rd place – team “3.14”.

All participants showed themselves in the best way and were satisfied with their participation in this Olympiad.