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The fourth intra-university Olympiad in Dentistry was held in DSMU



The fourth intra-university Olympiad of Dagestan State Medical University in Dentistry was held on May 20, 2021 on the basis of the Republican Dental Polyclinic named after M. M. Maksudov.

Organizers of the event: the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Dentistry; the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Republican Dental Polyclinic named after M. M. Maksudov; the Department of Therapeutic and Surgical Dentistry of the DSMU and the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists.

The opening ceremony was attended by the chief physician of the Republican Dental Hospital Khadzhimurad Musalov; Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Tagir Abakarov; Head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry Medjid Medjidov; head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery with the improvement of doctors Hasan Ordashev; Elmira Kurbanova an employee of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry she is also the chairman of the jury.

Tagir Abakarov addressed the Olympiad participants with a welcoming speech. “Today, Dagestan State Medical University, together with the Republican Dental Clinic, is holding the fourth intra-university Olympiad in therapeutic and surgical dentistry. The Olympiad promises to be interesting, full of rich material,” Abakarov said. He stressed in his speech that the university administration pays great attention to the Olympiad movement of the university.

“The goals and objectives of the Olympiad are to identify and to reveal gifted students, develop students’ leadership skills, identify students ‘intellectual potential, develop individual communication skills, intellectual literacy, quickness of reaction and efficiency in decision-making,” Abakarov said and noted that the winners will be awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.

Khadzhimurad Musalov called this day solemn for all those present. “The year 2021 was declared the year of science and technology in the President’s address. The development of healthcare without the development of scientific technologies is impossible. Today’s Olympiad is one of the steps that we are taking to make you master the new methods that exist in the system of dental care for the population,” Musalov said and wished the participants success.

The heads of the departments also wished all the participants to maintain the university’s reputation and put their best foot forward.

Students of the 4th year of the Dental Faculty took part in the Olympiad.

The jury chairman Elmira Kurbanova acquainted the participants of the Olympiad with the procedure passing and the assessment in points.

The Olympiad was held in three stages: stage 1-testing (50 tests); Stage 2-practical part (stage 4 cavity restoration); stage 3-interview.

According to the results of the Olympiad, the places were distributed as follows: 1 place was taken by Sultan Omarov; 2 – Khalid Akhmedov; 3 – Asiyat Gazanova and Azizat Magomedova. Esed Tsechoeva won the Best Surgeon award; Izamudin Hajiyev won the Best Therapist award.

DSMU Press Service