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Foreign students of DSMU took part in the conference “Russian language and speech culture in conditions of multilingualism: yesterday, today, tomorrow”.




Foreign students of DSMU took part in the international student scientific and practical conference “Russian language and speech culture in multilingualism: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, which took place on November 22 at Dagestan State Pedagogical University.

The conference was attended by students of the preparatory department for foreign citizens and students of the 3rd and 4th courses of the medical faculty of DSMU. Such conferences are very important, their goal is, in particular, to promote the Russian language to the world, and this means promoting our entire culture as a whole.

The head of the preparatory department for foreign citizens of Dagestan State Medical University S. Alkadarskaya, who made a welcoming speech, thanked the organizers of the conference for the invitation and noted that our common task is to improve the level of Russian language proficiency for rapid linguistic adaptation of foreign students, since being away from home in a foreign language environment deprives young people of self-confidence.

Then the speeches of foreign students began, who briefly acquainted the conference participants with the content of articles written by them under the guidance of the staff of the Russian Language Department with the course of the preparatory department of A. Aliyeva and S. Alkadarskaya. The audience met with great interest and very kindly the speeches of the students of the preparatory department I. Seidalieva, E. Novruzov (Azerbaijan), 3rd year students of the

Faculty of Medicine Chitaka Lucy, Ndlovu Awande (Zimbabwe), Obeke Daniel (Nigeria), Shukyurla Zenfira (Azerbaijan), Toura Suleiman (Gambia), etc. The conference ended with a summing up, all foreign students of DSMU received diplomas and commendations.