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Khizri Shikhsaidov presented letters of gratitude to DSMU volunteers




On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, a meeting of the presidium of the regional political council of the United Russia party was held in the small hall of the House of Trade Unions in Makhachkala. It was opened and led by the secretary of the regional branch of the party, chairman of the National Assembly of the RD Khizri Shikhsaidov.

Prior to the event, Khizri Shikhsaidov solemnly presented Letters of Gratitude to the volunteers from the Youth Parliament of the RD People’s Assembly for their active participation in volunteer activities during the pandemic.

The letter of gratitude was awarded to the head of student affairs department of Dagestan State Medical University Imanali Mustafayev, as well as students of DSMU Angela Suleymanova, Islam Aliyev, Shamsiyat Azizova.

Khizri Shikhsaidov thanked the youth for their work and courage, and also expressed gratitude to parents and teachers for raising real patriots of their Homeland.

First deputy secretary of the RO party, first deputy speaker of the parliament Saigidahmed Akhmedov, head of the Volunteer Center, Deputy Secretary of the RO, Deputy Speaker Elena Yelnikova, members of the Presidium Murtazali Rabadanov, Timur Gusaev, Nariman Asvarov, as well as Elmira Abieva, who is also the vice-rector for Public Relations and Social and educational work of the DSMU also expressed gratitude to the volunteers.

Then Khizri Shikhsaidov handed the party membership cards to the new members of the Party. Then the Presidium members proceeded to consider the agenda of the meeting.

During the meeting, the Presidium members also considered organizational and statutory issues, on which they made appropriate decisions.

Zainab Gazimagomedova, Youth Media Center Sector