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Regional Student Olympiad on Life Safety, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of DSMU



 The Regional Student Olympiad on Life Safety, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Dagestan State Medical University, was held in the Biological Building of DSMU on December 9, 2022.

 The event was organized by the Department of Life Safety and Disaster Medicine of DSMU and the Department of Life Safety of Dagestan State Pedagogical University.

The Olympiad was attended by students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions from various regions of Russia: Ingush State University; Chechen State Pedagogical University; Dagestan State University; Dagestan State Pedagogical University; Dagestan State Pedagogical University; Dagestan State Technical University; Dagestan State Technical University; Dagestan State Technical University; Dagestan State University of National Economy; Moscow Automobile and Road Technical University” (MARTU); “North Caucasian Institute of Justice” ; “Road College”; “Technical Fire and Rescue College”; “Dagestan Basic Medical College named after R.N. Askerkhanov”; Business College of DSUNE; “North Caucasian Humanitarian and Multidisciplinary College named after. Shamil”

The purpose of this Olympiad is the formation of students’ theoretical knowledge in the field of life safety, preparation for actions in non–standard and emergency situations.

The head of the Department of Life Safety and Disaster Medicine Patimat Rabadanova addressed the participants of the Olympiad with a welcoming speech on behalf of the Acting Rector of DSMU Visampasha  Khanaliev. She noted the importance and significance of the event. “The annual holding of our Olympiad, in which worthy representatives of student youth participate, has become a good tradition. Conducting such events increases interest in the subject under study, in this case – life safety, aimed at protecting the life, health and safety of the individual, developing the ability to independently acquire knowledge, skills,  the development of cognitive activity of students in the field of protection from dangerous and emergency situations, the formation of a healthy lifestyle of young people, first aid skills to myself and others,” she said.

  Then she introduced the honored guests of the event – this is the head of the security Department of   Dagestan State Medical University Abdulnasir Rajabov and the head of the department of licensing control, organization and control over the turnover of PTP and the provision of public services – the state inspector of  Dagestan  for fire supervision of the Ministry of Emergency Situations  in Dagestan  Shamil Shuaibov.

 In his address to the participants of the Olympiad , Abdulnasir Rajabov said: “You have to show decent knowledge of security. Safety, especially for medical staff, always comes first. Knowledge of the basics of security will be useful to any person and in any situation. Your participation in the Olympiad is already a big plus in your development as professionals.”

  Shamil Shuaibov also noted the importance of this Olympiad. “The number of dangerous situations of various kinds is increasing every year, but the culture of life safety of the population remains at a low level,” he said and told about the most dangerous situations in life that can overtake a person. He cited the statistics of fires in the Republic of Dagestan, and all this is due to ignorance of the basics of life safety. “I am sure that this event will contribute to the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills, and competent first aid in extreme situations,” Shuaibov stressed and wished everyone success.

 Then Patimat Rabadanova acquainted the participants of the Olympiad and their accompanying teachers with the order of its holding.

 The Olympiad was held in two stages. The first is theoretical testing on the directions of the Olympiad. The second is practical where is important  the ability of the team to act in the zone of chemical contamination: the use of personal protective equipment; first aid to victims when using various toxic substances.

 The duration of the theoretical stage was 30 minutes (40 tests), the practical stage – 20 minutes.

  According to the results of the Olympiad among the teams of universities, the 1st place was taken by the team of DSTU, the second – DSU, the third – DSPU. Among the colleges, the first place was shared by the Technical Fire and Rescue College and the Dagestan Basic Medical College named after R.N. Askerkhanov, the second place was taken by the team of the North Caucasus Humanitarian and Multidisciplinary College named after Shamil, and the third  place by the Business College of DSUNE.