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The first meeting of the newly created Dissertation Council of DSMU




The first meeting of the newly created Dissertation Council of  Dagestan State Medical University was held on September 21 in the administrative building of the university.

On the agenda of the meeting is the public defense of the candidate’s dissertation by the correspondence postgraduate student of   Surgery Department and with the course of endosurgery of  advanced training  faculty  and professional retraining of specialistst of DSMU Ahmed Abdulzhalilov.: “Prediction and optimization of surgical technique of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with complicated forms of acute cholecystitis”. Scientific supervisor is Professor  M. Imanaliev. The leading organization is  Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A. I. Evdokimov of   Health  Ministry  of the Russian Federation.

The meeting was opened by the chairman of   dissertation council, Professor Suleiman Mamayev, who noted that this is an important day not only for DSMU, but also for the region as a whole. “Less than a year has passed since the creation of  DSMU Dissertation Council, and today a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of medical Sciences is already being defended here. During the pandemic, the university lost more than 10 doctors of medical sciences. These are our teachers and the teachers of our teachers. The university needs young, ambitious, creative, trained scientific and pedagogical personnel if we want to preserve and develop it. The requirements for Dissertations, their members and dissertations are constantly being tightened, so we must comply with them. The opening of our Dissertation Council should become a powerful impulse in the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for the region in two specialties: surgery and internal diseases, ”  S. Mammayev said.

Welcoming the members of the dissertation Council, Acting Rector Aida Mollayeva also congratulated everyone on this significant event. “This is a great success for our university. The opening of the dissertation council at DSMU will allow our dissertants, doctoral students, applicants from the field of practical healthcare not only in Dagestan, but also in other regions to defend themselves on the basis of  Dagestan Medical University. I am sure that the work of the Dissertation Council of DSMU will contribute to the emergence of new highly qualified scientists in the specialties of internal diseases and surgery. This is important for increasing the stability of the university and forming a shift of scientific and pedagogical personnel,” N. Mollaeva said.

The Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council, Abdulkamal Huseynov, reported in detail on the documents of the applicant’s attestation case. Then the applicant himself, his supervisor and official opponents gave a speech. According to the results of voting, all members of the Dissertation Council voted for awarding the academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences to the applicant A. Abdulzhalilov.

At the end of the meeting, A. Abdulzhalilov, his supervisor, Professor M. Imanaliev and his opponents, Professor D. Blagovestnov and I. Natroshvili were awarded thanks from the university administration and the chairman of the Dissertation Council.