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The issues of improving the quality of training were discussed at a meeting with the departments of the Institute of Additional Professional Education




The issues of improving the quality of training specialists at DSMU were discussed on January 14 at a meeting with the departments of the Institute of Additional Professional Education under the leadership of Acting Rector Visampasha Khanaliev. The meeting was attended by the director of  Institute of Additional Professional Education Rafik Butaev, heads of departments of postgraduate education.

Opening the meeting, V. Khanaliev noted that the main task facing the university staff is to improve the quality of training specialists. “This is our common task. Everything that is necessary to improve the educational process, its modernization, will be done. The main thing is that we must train highly qualified, competitive doctors,” he said.

During the meeting, the issues of increasing the state task for the current year, its implementation, distribution of the load on teachers and many other issues were discussed.