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The issues of the organization of education in the profile “gerontology and geriatrics” were discussed at the meeting with the acting rector of DSMU



The meeting of the acting Rector of   DSMU Razin Ragimov with the head of the Department of expert and methodological activities of the Federal Center for Coordination of Subjects of the Russian Federation for the development of the organization of medical care in the profile “geriatrics” Olga Abroskina took place on Thursday, October 21. The meeting was held as part of the implementation of the federal project “The Older Generation”. Head of the Department of Gerontology and Geriatrics of  the  Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists and Teaching Staff of  DSMU  Kamila Aliyeva-Kharkharova  and Head of the Department for Educational and Methodological Work and Quality Control of Training Aminat Karimova took part in it.

Opening the meeting, R. Ragimov welcomed the guest to Dagestan and noted that the issue under discussion is very relevant and timely. “District internists, whom we graduate after graduating from the Faculty of Medicine, often meet with elderly and senile patients at their workplaces in polyclinics. Therefore, they should know the specifics of managing such patients. In this regard, training in this profile is of priority importance for us,” he said.

  1. Karimova noted that in the new Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation, more attention is paid to training in this profile, two compulsory subjects are included in the second and sixth courses.

During the meeting, issues of interaction between the university and the center, areas of interaction, joint research projects and much more were discussed. It was noted that this year three graduates of   DSMA went to study in the residency of the center. O. Abroskina added that next year the number of budget places will be increased, and the center will be able to accept more residents, including from our university.

  1. Aliyeva-Zakharova said that the department is facing an urgent issue of staff training, so work in this direction will continue.

DSMU Press Service