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Department of Emergency Medicine of the Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists



General information

 The Department of Emergency Medicine of the FAT and PRS was established  in 2014. The head of the department is Doctor of Medical Sciences Minkailov Eldar Kuramagomedovich.

The department is located on the basis of the educational and scientific consultative and diagnostic polyclinic of DSMU.


Currently, the department employs:


Minkailov Eldar Kuramagomedovich

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor






Bashirova Svetlana Borisovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant;







Davudova Jamilya Muratovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor;






Ziyautdinov MagomedRasul Abdurashidovich



Kurbanova Indira Magomedmuratovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Laboratory Assistant;


Murtazalieva Suvar Ramazanovna

senior laboratory assistant.



On the basis of the department, practical ambulance doctors undergo retraining and advanced training.







Educational work

The department provides training in the discipline “Emergency medical care” of doctors, taking into account the federal state requirements for the structure of the main professional educational program of postgraduate professional education according to the educational, educational and thematic plan of postgraduate professional training of specialists in the internship specialty “emergency medical care”, advanced training and professional retraining of doctors-cadets of the FAT and PRS teaching staff.


During the practical classes, situational tasks for the diagnosis and treatment of emergency conditions, issues of the work program of training and retraining of interns and cadets were widely used.

The science

The main directions of scientific research of the department are related to the study and development of standards for the provision of emergency medical care.

The department  together with the Consultative and Diagnostic Polyclinic of DSMU  advises and treats patients with a therapeutic profile, introduces standards and methods of emergency care into the practice of practical healthcare.

The staff of the department actively participates in congresses, symposiums and All-Russian scientific and practical conferences with the publication of articles, theses, speeches and reports. The scientific works carried out by the staff of the department are published in the central and local press. All employees of the department carry out medical and diagnostic work: consultation of patients, management of patients in difficult situations, determination of indications for referral to specialized research institutes for treatment of patients. Visits to cities and districts of the republic are systematically carried out in order to improve the work.