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Department of outpatient therapy



General information

Head of the department: MD, Professor Masuev Kubatai Askandarovich.

Address: Makhachkala, 31 M. Hajiyeva Ave.

Telephone: 8 (8722) 68-33-27

Clinical sites: Republican Clinical Hospital No. 2, Municipal polyclinic No. 2, 5, 6, 9, polyclinic 1 of the city hospital, SBI RD Geriatric Center.


Responsible for the website: Associate Professor Nurmagomayeva Zaira Saidovna 

• Head of the department: Professor, MD, Masuev Kubatai Askandarovich
• Associate Professor, Ph.D. Nurmagomayeva Zaira Saidovna— Head of the teaching department
• Associate Professor, Ph.D. Suleimanov Suleiman Shagumilaevich
• Associate Professor, Ph.D. Gabibova Tamara Yarmetovna
• Associate Professor, Ph.D. Kazanbiev Daniyal Narimanovich
• Associate Professor, Ph.D. Dzhalilova Rosa Aliyevna
• Associate Professor, Ph.D. Umakhanova Janna Sharapudinovna
• Assistant, Ph.D. Datsieva Saida Magomedovna
• Assistant, Ph.D. Ragimova Remida Shakirovna
• Assistant Ibragimova Zumrud Badirovna
• S-r laborant Magomedov Magomedrasul Nabigulaevich
• S-r laborant Nurbagandova Patimat Magomedhabibovna
• Preparator Huseynova Patimat Tajudinovna


History of the Department of Outpatient Therapy

By the order of the rector of DSMU, Professor S. N. Mammaev, dated August 28, 2016, the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 2 was renamed the Department of Polyclinic Therapy.

The history of the department begins with the history of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 2, established in 1980. Then it was called the Department of hospital therapy for the training of subordinates in internal diseases. The head of the department was Professor Magomed Abusupyanovich Kharkharov. The base of the department is the 1st city clinical hospital of Makhachkala with a therapeutic department with 120 beds. Since 1994, the department has been based on the therapeutic and cardiological departments of the Hospital of War and Labor Veterans. In total, the clinic has 80 beds (40 therapeutic and 40 cardiological). In 1996, Professor K. A. Masuev was elected head of the department, who is currently the head of the department. The base of the department will be the Republican Medical Center of the Hospital of War and Labor Veterans, polyclinics №1, №2, №5, №6, №9, SBI RD Geriatric Center.


Department staff.

At various times, assistants, associate professors and professors worked at the department: M. A. Kharkharov, K. M. Aliyeva, E. M. Esedov, T. S. Aliyev, M. T. Kudaev, T. Ya. Gabibova, M. M. Tirulov, D. N. Kazanbiev, S. Sh. Suleymanov, M. G. Abakarov, M. K. Makaev, M. Sh.Baysungurov, M. A. Alibulatov, A. S. Hajiyev, M. I. Ibragimova, P. K. Shuaypova, G. A. Seferbekov.

Currently, the department employs 10 teachers and 2 senior laboratory assistants.

Currently, the department employs 10 teachers and 2 senior laboratory assistants.

Masuev Kubatai Askandarovich — Head of the Department, Professor. From 1980 to 1983, he completed postgraduate studies at 2nd MOLSMI under the guidance of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. A. G. Chuchalin. In May 1983, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences, and in 1993-his dissertation for the academic title of Doctor of Medical Sciences. Research interests – problems of pulmonology, cardiology. With the transition of the department to the base of the Hospital of War and Labor Veterans, the scientific aspects of the peculiarities of the course of various pulmonary and cardiac pathologies in the elderly began to be actively studied. He has published more than 300 scientific papers, 1 monograph. Since 2003, he has been a member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS). Participant of 26 National Congresses on Pulmonology, 9 All-Russian conferences, member of the editorial board of the journal “Pulmonology”, “Medical Bulletin of the North Caucasus”, “Bulletin of the DSMU”. Since 2004, he has been a freelance pulmonologist of the Ministry of Health of the RD, and since 2015-the Chief freelance pulmonologist of the NCFD. Since 2010, he has been heading the Republican Advisory Phthisiopulmonological Commission. He actively participates in the public life of the republic – since 2004 he has been the permanent chairman of the Commission on Pardons under the Chairman of the State Council, and subsequently – under the President of the Republic of Dagestan and the Head of the Republic. In 2005, he was awarded the Order of Friendship. Under the guidance of Professor K. A. Masuev, 3 doctoral and 7 candidate dissertations have been completed and successfully defended, and 2 more candidate dissertations are being prepared for defense.


Zaira Saidovna Nurmagomayeva – Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, from 1992 to 1994 she studied at the clinical residency of the State Medical Academy, from 1994 to 1998 she studied at the postgraduate school and defended her PhD thesis at the end. Since 1998, she has been an assistant at the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 2. Member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists since 1998. Participant of the 15th National Congress of Therapists since 2020. Member of the RANH since 2006. Since 2015, Associate Professor of the Department of Outpatient Therapy. Honored Worker of Science and Education of the RANH since 2012. Since 2020, Head of the educational part of the department. Author of more than 90 scientific publications, 19 teaching aids, an author’s invention, 5 rational proposals. 



Suleiman Shagumilaevich Suleimanov – Associate Professor, from 1978 to 1980 he studied in a clinical residency at the 2nd MOLSMI at the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Pediatric Faculty under the guidance of Professor A. G. Chuchalin, and from 1980 to 1983 he also completed postgraduate studies there and defended his PhD thesis. After completing his postgraduate studies, he worked at the Chita Medical Institute, in 1991-1993 he headed the Department of Hospital Therapy at the Chita State Institute, and completed an internship at the Shanghai Medical Institute. Since 1994, he has been working at the DSMA. In the period 2000-2011, assistant to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for the 5th year. Author of about 100 scientific and educational works.


Tamara Yarmetovna Gabibova – Associate Professor, in 1972 she defended her PhD thesis. She is an honored doctor of the RD, an Honored doctor of the Russian Federation, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Medical Academy”.




Daniyal Narimanovich Kazanbiev – Associate Professor, in 1983-1986, he studied at the postgraduate school in 2 MOLSMI. In 1986, he successfully defended his PhD thesis and since 1988 has been working at the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 at the DSMI. Author of 150 scientific and educational works. In 1986, he was awarded the bronze medal of VDNKh “For achievements in the national economy of the USSR in the field of healthcare”, the RDSTO medal “Excellent Civil Defense” and “60 Years of Victory”.



Roza Aliyevna Jalilova – Associate Professor, in 1997 she defended her PhD thesis at the RUDN University. Since 1998,  Assistant of the department. Author of 57 scientific publications.





 Janna Sharapudinovna Umakhanova – Associate Professor of the Department of Outpatient Therapy since 2016. In 1979, she defended her PhD thesis on acute pneumonia. Since 1979-assistant of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 3, and since 1998 – associate professor of the same department. Author of 83 articles and 25 educational and methodological works and 3 inventions.





Remida Shakirovna Rahimova – Assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences. In 2005-2007, she studied in a clinical residency, in 2007-2010-postgraduate studies and dissertation defense. Since 2012, she has been an assistant of the department. Author of 12 scientific articles, 1 manual.





S.M. Datsiyeva – Assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences, since 2008 she has been a full-time postgraduate student of the department. Since 2014, Assistant of the department. Author of 9 scientific publications.


Z.B. Ibragimova – Assistant of the department. In 2001, she was accepted as a senior laboratory assistant.

  The successful academic work of the department largely depends on the work of senior laboratory assistants.


Magomedrasul Nabigullaevich Magomedov – senior laboratory assistant of the department since 2017

2012-2016 assistant to the deputy of the youth parliament. Specialist in student employment. Author of 7 scientific papers. The author of the project “Mobile Student”. Winner of the international conference in Kazan. 2015-2017 member of the Council of Students of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Head of the North Caucasus Cluster in the Council of Students of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Responsible for the quality of education, dormitories and scholarships in the Council of Students of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.  



Patimat Magomedhabibovna Nurbagandova – senior laboratory assistant of the department from 2020. She graduated from DSMU in 2019 with honors.







The main scientific interests of the department are issues of pulmonology, cardiology, balneology. Currently, active scientific work is being carried out. In total, 3 doctoral and 9 candidate theses were completed and successfully defended at the department. In 2006, a patent was obtained “A method for the treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in elderly patients” (K. M. Aliyeva, M. I. Ibragimova, K. A. Masuev, M. A. Kharkharov). Over the past 5 years, 37 articles have been published in HAC-reviewed journals. In total, the department staff has published more than 140 articles and theses in various journals, collections of articles, materials of congresses, etc. for 5 years.

Every year, the department staff holds conferences on topical issues of internal medicine in various cities and districts (Kizlyar, Khasavyurt, Derbent, Levashinsky, Kulinsky). In total, from 2002 to 2010, 29 field conferences were held for practical healthcare with lectures, consultation of complex patients.

Since 1996, a three-stage exam has been introduced at the department (one of the first) – a test control of knowledge, an assessment of practical skills and an interview. Since 1980, the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 has issued over 65 teaching aids for doctors, students, residents and interns, including “Urgent conditions in the clinic of internal diseases” M., 1992; “Practical skills for 5th year students” M., 1997; “Indications and methods of treatment of patients with hypertension of stages 1 – 2 with highly concentrated hydrogen sulfide baths of the Talgi resort” M., 1986; “Physiotherapy” M., 1993; “Symptomatic hypertension” M., 1998; ” Pneumonia of the elderly. Features of diagnosis and treatment”; “COPD in the elderly: features of therapy”, thematic collection “Topical issues of gerontology”, “Analysis of heart rate variability in elderly and senile patients” M., 2007, etc. 








Student science circle

SSC has been working at the department since 1987. The head is Associate professor Daniyal Narimanovich Kazanbiev. Topics are cardiology, pulmonology, geriatrics. 

The First degree diploma was received by students Medzhidova G. M., Rogova I. A., Boltenko Zh. N. in 1988 at the All-Union Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases among young scientists and students. In the future, the work of the circle members was repeatedly noted at All-Russian and International conferences with Diplomas of the First, Second, and Third degrees.

Currently, the activities of the circles are focused on solving the problems of comorbidity and polyprogency in the elderly.