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Department of Pediatric Surgery



Department of Pediatric Surgery

General information

Address: 367027 Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Akushinsky Av., 7th row, bld. 2 «а».

Telephone: 63 – 44 – 85

Fax: 63-44- 85


Meilanova Fatima Vofaevna – Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department. Since September 2019, Head of the department. Surgeon of the highest category. In 1989, she graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the DMI. After completing postgraduate studies at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy in 2000, she defended her PhD thesis on “Intestinal obstruction in malformations of rotation and fixation of the intestine in newborns”. In 2005, she was elected an assistant of the Department. Author of 65 scientific papers, including 3 teaching aids. Since 2015, Associate Professor of the Department. She is a consultant in the RPC of Makhachkala. Member of the perinatal council. She is working on his doctoral dissertation. Consultant of maternity hospital No. 4.




Makhachev Bashir Magomedovich

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan. Surgeon of the highest category. He graduated from the Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1981. In 2000, he defended his PhD thesis on “Early risk criteria for complicated appendicitis in children” and was elected an assistant of the department. In 2006, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Vesicoureteral reflux in children: early diagnosis of complications, criteria for choosing treatment methods, organization of the system of therapeutic and preventive care”. From 2009-2019, Head of the Department. Chief physician of the Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital named after N. M. Kuraev.

Author of more than 250 scientific papers, including 1 monograph and 9 teaching aids. Member of the editorial board of the journal “Chief Physician”, the Board of the Society of Surgeons of Dagestan. Under his leadership, 1 doctoral and 2 candidate dissertations were defended, 2 doctoral and 2 candidate dissertations are being prepared for defense. He was awarded the medal “For Services to the Republic”, the diploma of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, the diploma of the Association of Children’s Doctors of Russia.


Magomedov Abdurakhman Dadaevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department. Honored Doctor of the DASSR. Surgeon of the highest category. Chief Pediatric Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova, Deputy Chief Physician of the RPCH for Surgery. In 1969, he graduated with honors from the DMI. In 1975, after graduating from graduate school, under the guidance of Academician G. A. Bairov, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “The state of nonspecific immunological reactivity in acute appendicitis in children”. In 1975, he was elected assistant professor, and in 1982, associate professor of the Department. Author of more than 290 scientific papers, including 4 teaching aids. Awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Council of the DASSR, the Ministry of Health of the RD.


Aysaev Ziyaudin Chupalaevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Honored Doctor of the RD. Surgeon of the highest category. In 1960, he graduated from the DMI, worked as a practical surgeon. After completing his post-graduate studies, the 2nd MOLSMI defended his PhD thesis in 1976 on the topic “Extrapleural access in operations on the organs of the posterior mediastinum in children”. In 1975, he was elected assistant of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, in 1992, associate professor of the Department. Author of 123 scientific papers. He was awarded the medal “For Labor Distinction”, the Certificate of Honor of the Consulate General (Algeria).



Ashurbekov Vagif Talibovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Honored Doctor of the RD. Surgeon of the highest category, head of the teaching department since 2019. He graduated with honors from the Medical Faculty of the DMI in 1969. He completed a clinical residency at the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the DMI. In 1972, he defended his PhD thesis on “Long-term decompression of the small intestine through gastrostomy in diseases of the abdominal cavity in children”. In 1982, he was elected assistant professor of the Department, and in 1996, associate professor. For many years, he successfully represented the Dagestan school of pediatric surgery abroad (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia). Author of 107 scientific papers, including 3 teaching aids.


Kazilov Bagaudin Rasulovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department, Honored Doctor of the RD. Surgeon of the highest category. He graduated from the Faculty of Pediatrics of the DMI in 1985. After completing his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, he defended his PhD thesis on “Reasonable differentiated tactics of surgical treatment of urolithiasis in children”. In 2005, he was elected an assistant professor of the Department. Author of 49 scientific papers. He is currently working on his doctoral dissertation.




Yahyaev Yahya Magomedovich

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department. Surgeon of the highest category. In 1985, he graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the DMI. In 1996, after completing a post-graduate correspondence course at CITO, he defended his PhD thesis on “Compression fractures of the thoracic vertebral bodies in children”. In 2004, he was elected an assistant of the Department. In 2009, he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Multiple and combined injuries of the musculoskeletal system in children: clinic, diagnosis and treatment”. Author of 133 scientific papers, including 3 teaching aids.




Shihabudinova Patimat Abdulapashayevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant of the Department. She graduated from the medical faculty of the DMI in 1977. After completing a clinical residency in pediatric surgery, she works as a pediatric orthopedic surgeon-traumatologist. In 2000, she defended her PhD thesis on “Pathological hip dislocations in children” at the CITO under the supervision of Professor V. A. Morgun. In 2008, she was elected an assistant of the Department. Author of 27 scientific papers.




Murtazaliev Zaur Nurullayevich

Postgraduate student of the Department of Pediatric Surgery from 2013-2014. Since 2014-Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Surgery. Children’s urologist-andrologist. He completed a specialization in urology-andrology in Moscow. Author of 45 scientific papers. It is planned to defend a dissertation on the topic “Medical aspects of the circumcision rite. Seamless method of operation Circumcisio”. A patent and 3 rational proposals were issued.





Kakvaeva Soltanat Magomedovna

She graduated from the Faculty of Pediatrics of the DMI in 1989. Since 1997, he has been working as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Pediatric Surgery. Author of 19 scientific papers.






History of the Department

In different years, doctors of medical Sciences Arbuliyev M. G., Magaramov M. A., candidates of medical Sciences Kaziyev K. E., Magomedova T. M., Dolgatov V. G., Gadzhimirzaev G. G. worked as assistants of the department.








Gadzhimirzaev Gadzhimirza Abdusamadovich – Professor of the department. Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, DASSR, CIASSR, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Moldova. Surgeon of the highest category. He graduated with honors from the DMI in 1954. In 1965, he defended his PhD thesis on “Hypospadias in children”, and in 1972 he defended his doctoral thesis on “Artificial esophagus with cicatricial lesions in children”. Founder of the school of pediatric surgeons of Dagestan. The first head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, founded in 1970, which he headed until 2009. He has trained 4 doctors and 15 candidates of Science. Author of more than 250 scientific papers. He was awarded the medal of the Order” For Services to the Fatherland “of the II deg., “For Services to the Republic”, Honorary Certificates of the Supreme Council of the DASSR, the State Council of the RD. Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Pediatric Surgery”.


Sharipov Nabibula Aripovich (1951-2009) – Professor of the Department, Honored Doctor of the RD. Surgeon of the highest category. In 1975, he graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the DMI. After completing his clinical residency in pediatric surgery, he enrolled in postgraduate studies at the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the RSMU and in 1982 defended his PhD thesis on “The use of permanent magnets in colon resection in children”. In 1996, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Treatment of esophageal strictures in children”. In 1998, he was appointed Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery. For more than 10 years, he was the dean of the Pediatric Faculty of DSMA. Author of more than 250 scientific papers, prepared 4 candidates of science. He was awarded the medal “For Services to the Republic”, the medal of the Society of Surgeons of Moscow, the Medal of the VDNKh.


Murtuzaliyev Nurula Pataalievich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Honored Doctor of the RD. Surgeon of the highest category. He graduated from the medical faculty of the DMI in 1971. After completing his postgraduate studies at the 2nd MOLSMI in 1982, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “The use of silver ions in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system in children”. In 1982, he was elected assistant professor, and in 1996, associate professor of the Department. Author of 137 scientific papers, including 3 teaching aids. Head of the scientific student circle on pediatric surgery, whose participants are permanent winners of All-Russian and republican scientific and student conferences.



Patakhov Sirajudin Patakhovich is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department, Distinguished Doctor of the RD. Surgeon of the highest category. He graduated from the DMI Faculty of Medicine in 1975. After graduating from the clinical residency since 1980, he works as a pediatric surgeon of RPCH, head of the department of selective surgery, surgeon of the highest category. In 2004, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Features of the course and principles of treatment of echinococcosis in children”. In 2005, he was elected an assistant of the Department. Author of 147 scientific papers, including 3 teaching aids and 6 innovation proposals. He is working on his doctoral dissertation.



Stages of formation

The School of Pediatric Surgery in Dagestan has launched in 1965, when, after successfully defending his PhD thesis in Moscow under the guidance of Academician Yu. F. Isakov, Gadzhimirzaev Gadzhimirza Abdusamadovich started working at the DMI as an assistant at the Department of General Surgery. The “clinical base” of pediatric surgery was then represented by one ward with 8 beds in the general surgical department of the 2nd city hospital of Makhachkala. In 1969, on the basis of the 1st city hospital, a children’s surgical department with 60 beds was opened, and in 1971 the course of pediatric surgery at the Department of Hospital Surgery, led by associate Professor Gadzhimirzaev G. A. In 1972, Gadzhimirza Abdusamadovich defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1975 (the year of the first graduation of the Pediatric Faculty), under the same leadership, but now with the title of professor, the Department of Pediatric Surgery was opened. The first teachers at the department were candidates of medical sciences Arbuliyev M. G., Aisaev Z. Ch., Magomedov A.D., Kaziev K. E. Then the assistants of the department were candidates of medical Sciences Dalgatov V. G. (1976), Magaramov M. A. (1978), Sharipov N. A.(1982), Murtuzaaliev N. P. (1982), Magomedova T. M. (1982), Ashurbekov V. T. (1983), Gadzhimirzaev G. G. (1996), Makhachev B. M. (2004), Yahyaev Ya. M. (2004), Patakhov S. P. (2005), Meilanova F. V. (2005), Shihabudinova P. A. (2008).

In the following years, the department moved from place to place four more times, until it finally settled in 1987 on the basis of the Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital. Currently, the bed fund of the department exceeds 260 beds. In addition, 2 children’s surgical departments operate in the cities of Derbent and Khasavyurt.

Academic affairs

The clinical bases of the department are the departments of selective surgery, purulent-emergency surgery, orthopedics, traumatology, maxillofacial and neurosurgery, outpatient trauma, reconstructive surgery, gravity surgery, neonatal resuscitation and general resuscitation, anesthesiology, endoscopy of the RPCH named after  Kuraeva N. M.

For practical classes with students, study rooms, classrooms, visual aids – posters, tables, slides, X-rays, videos, medical records, as well as dissertation materials of the department staff are used.

To control the knowledge of the department developed tests, manuals for students of medical and pediatric faculties.


Research direction

The directions of scientific research in medicine are mainly determined by regional needs and technological capabilities. Therefore, for many years, the focus was on the problems relevant to pediatric surgery in Dagestan: trivial at first glance — appendicitis in children, intestinal obstruction, congenital pylorostenosis, hematogenous osteomyelitis, lung destruction, etc. With the growth of the number of employees and technical capabilities, scientific ambitions grew and now there are already areas in the science of Dagestan that have been identified by pediatric surgeons: a) malformations in children, b) burns and scarring of the esophagus, c) surgical diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, d) injuries in the elbow joint, e) funnel — shaped and keeled deformities of the chest, e) reconstructive plastic surgery of the urinary-genital system and urolithiasis in children, g) severe combined trauma, as well as firearms and mines — explosive injuries of children, 3) anesthesia, intensive care and resuscitation of young children, g) echinococcosis in children, etc.

Over the past period, employees have defended 4 doctoral and 17 candidate theses, 3 doctoral and 2 candidate theses are being completed. More than 1000 works have been published, 52 of them abroad. 8 author’s certificates for the invention, 29 certificates for rational proposals, two certificates and a medal of the participants of the VDNH in the section “Medicine” were received. The staff of the department has repeatedly made scientific reports on various problems of pediatric surgery at congresses, conferences, and symposiums of all levels. The head of the department, Professor Gadzhimirzaev G. A., as part of the Soviet delegations, was a participant of the International Congress of Pediatric Surgeons in Spain (1977) and the Congress of Pediatric Surgeons in Yugoslavia (1979), MD, Makhachev B. M. in Israel, USA, Germany. In October 2001, the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on Pediatric Surgery was held with international participation, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Dagestan State Medical Academy and the 25th anniversary of the Department of Pediatric Surgery. The leading pediatric surgeons of Russia took part in its work: academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor E. A. Stepanov, Chief Pediatric Surgeon of Moscow, Professor V. P. Nemsadze, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Moscow Medical and Dental Academy, Professor A. P. Erokhin, Head of the Course of Pediatric Endoscopy at the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Russian State Medical University, Professor A. F. Dronov, Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Russian State Medical University, A. Yu.Razumovsky. Of the 220 scientific papers published in the conference materials, 91 were prepared for the staff of the Children’s surgery clinic on the basis of the RPCH. The conference materials contain 18 papers from neighboring countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), 2 publications were received from our former employees working in Tunisia.

History of the Student Scientific Circle

The history of the student scientific circle on pediatric surgery formally begins with the opening of the docent course in 1970, although in previous years, as an assistant at the Department of Hospital Surgery, G. A. Gadzhimirzaev attracted students to the study of scientific problems of pediatric surgery. In 1970, the first appearance on the All-Union Arena took place in Riga, where a report was made by a 5th-year student of the Faculty of Medicine Sultan Adilkhanov (now-Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the RD, Head of the Department of Medicine, head of department of Vascular Surgery of the RCH). In 1974, in the city of Chisinau, the student scientific circle was awarded for the first time with a diploma of the 1st degree and a commemorative medal. The participants of this 16th All-Union conference were students Dibirov Magomed (now-Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Surgery of the 1st Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy), Gaziev Rashid (now-Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Faculty Surgery of the DSMA), Ramazanov Mutalim (now Doctor of Medical Sciences, oncologist in the GENUS). With the opening of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and the subordination of pediatric Surgery, the main core of the circle members began to be students of the Pediatric Faculty. Subsequently, the members of our department regularly participated in the All-Union Student scientific conferences on pediatric surgery in various cities of the USSR. A significant event for us took place in 1980 – the next 22nd All-Union Student Scientific Conference was held in the city of Makhachkala.

Some results of the almost forty-year history of the student scientific circle at the Department of Pediatric Surgery are as follows:

  • our club members took part in 20 All-Union and 19 All-Russian student scientific conferences;
  • in the materials of these conferences, 167 scientific papers were published, the authors of which were 358 students;
  • our club has been awarded with diplomas of the 1st degree among the best circles of the country 31 times;
  • 112 scientific papers have been published in the materials of the final student conferences of the DSMA and other regional conferences.
  • Among the former members of the circle are 8 chief doctors and heads of departments, more than 25 candidates and doctors of science. Our members work not only as pediatric surgeons, but also as resuscitators, anesthesiologists, general surgeons, microsurgeons, obstetricians and gynecologists, optometrists, ENT doctors.

In the RPCH named after N. M. Kuraev alone, 15 members of the circle work, headed by the chief physician, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences B. M. Makhachev.

The history of student science continues.

Meeting of the Pediatric Surgery Club

Today, November 30, at the Department of Pediatric Surgery in the RPCH named after Kurayev held a meeting of the SSC on Pediatric surgery. The meeting was attended by A. D. Magomedov, V. T. Ashurbekov, S. P. Patakhov, and F. Meilanova.In, Murtuzaliev Z. N. 

Students, members of the circle told about their research activities, about collecting material for scientific papers. Each of the participants received advice and instructions from the teachers for their scientific research.  

Active training of students is connected with the upcoming main event in the life of every pediatric surgeon-the upcoming 25th Russian (58th “All-Union”) scientific student conference “Current issues of surgery, anesthesiology and resuscitation of children”. The best reports will be presented in Moscow in the spring of next year.

“Student scientific circle at the Department of Pediatric Surgery began its work in the 80s. The research work of students is an integral part of the training of specialists at our university. Every year, the circles give their presentations at student scientific and practical conferences. We hope that our students will continue the traditions of the department with dignity and will successfully perform at the upcoming conference in Moscow,” — said Meilanova Fatima Vofaevna. 

Seville Babakhanova.