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Department of Physical Education and Sports Medicine



General information

Training facility: 

big game hall- 900 sq.m.,
combat sport hall – 400 sq. m.,

shaping class hall-70 sq. m.,

hall for special groups on medical grounds-36 sq. m.,

sports venue-1500 sq. m.,

playground for military-applied sports – 80 sq. m.

Department Staff


Magomedov Gamzat Khasratovich.

He had graduated from DSPU, Faculty of Physical Education in 2005. He has been working as an assistant at DSMU since 2005. Basketball coach.






Aliyev Magomed Yusupovich.

He had graduated from DSPI, Faculty of Physical Education in 1983. He has been working at DSMU as the head of the educational part since 2016, Sub-master boxer.






Hasanov Dzhabrail Yusupovich.

He graduated from the NOSPI Faculty of Physical Education in Ordzhonikidze. He has been working at DSMA since 1972. He has been employed as head teacher of the department since 2006. Honored Education Employee of the RD, Veteran of Labor. Arm wrestling coach.





Magomedov Sadulakh Rakhmatulaevich.

He has been working at the department as an assistant since December 1989. He has been a senior teacher since 1994. Kettlebell Lifting Coach.






Magomedsadykov Magomed Abdulatipovich.

He graduated from the General Medicine faculty of the DSMA in 1998. He has been working as an assistant at the department since 1999. He has been a volleyball coach since March 1994.






Zapirov Zakir Magomedovich.

He graduated from the General Medicine faculty of the DSMA in 2003. He has been working at the department as an assistant since February 2004. He has been a football coach since 2003.






Sindikov Eldar Magomedovich.

He graduated from the DSPI in 2007, the Faculty of Physical Education. He has been working as an assistant at the department since 2010. Master of Sports in Pankration. Third place at the European Championship. Greco-Roman Wrestling Coach.





 Abdullayev Shahban Aliashabovich.

He has been working at the department since 1996 as a senior laboratory assistant. He had graduated from DSMI in 1976.






Abdulkarimov Shahban Magomedovich.







Rabadanov Magomedrasul Sapiyulayevich.

He had graduated from pedagogical faculty of DSPU in 2006.

He was employed as an assistant of the Department since 2013.





Kayalov Bashir Magomedaripovich.







Radzhabov Radzhab Zhabrailovich.







Payzulaev Gamzat Gamzatovich.







Rasulov Tagib Alibekovich



Dagestan State Medical Institute was founded in November 1932. The Institute was located in the building of the “House of Personnel”, now the DAA.

Physical education classes were held after classes in classrooms and in a 140 sq. m. gym, as well as on outdoor sports grounds.

Solopova A. S., who was invited from Leningrad by the director of the DMI Nakhibashev, taught physical education. She also conducted classes in ballroom dancing and choreography.

In 1933-1935, physical education was part of the military department. The head of the department was Colonel Makievsky K. A. Laikosh M. M. and Parchevsky M. O. taught physical education. They conducted classes in marching drill, physical and shooting training, as well as trained in running, jumping, exercises on a horizontal bar, rings, pommel horse.

С апреля 1936 г. был создан самостоятельный курс физкультуры и спорта. До 1940 года курсом заведовал Казарян Г.А., а с 1940 по 1941 руководила курсом Жукова Т.И.

During the war of 1941-1944, the DMI was evacuated to Derbent. The Department of Sanitary Defense is being created, which included: physical education and sports course, military field surgery (MFS), military field therapy (MFT), military field hygiene (MFG), military field epidemiology (MFE).

The head of the department was O. V. Boroyan from 1941 to 1944. Boroyan Hoganes Vagorshakovich was born in 1906 in Erivan (Yerevan). He graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Rostov University in 1926. He graduated from the Moscow Medical Institute in 1932. In the timeline of 1934-1941 he was employed as an Associate Professor of the DMI in defense and hygiene disciplines.

In August 1944, after returning from evacuation, the DMI received a building on Levanevsky Street (formerly Stepnaya) (now an antitubercular dispensary) where the Department of Sanitary Defense is located.

In September 1944, instead of the Department of Sanitary Defense, a Military Department was created, which was entrusted with the duties of conducting physical education and sports classes. Classes were held at the Dynamo stadium.

The head of the Military Department was Colonel of the Medical Service Bityukov S. A. from 1944 to 1948. In September 1948, an independent department of physical education was created and Associate Professor Anatoly Dmitrievich Tkachev was elected head of the department.

  • 1948-1950 – the department was headed by Tkachev A.D.
  • 1950-1952 – the department was headed by Alyshev I.G.
  • 1952-1956 – the department was headed by Eremenko V.I.
  • 1956-1961 – the department was headed by Zhukova T.I.
  • 1961-1962 – the department was headed by Daniyalov M.P.
  • 1962-1963 – the department was headed by Matoshin V.M.
  • 1963-1965 – the department was headed by Timakova Yu.N.
  • 1965-1967 – the department was headed by Munchaev K.M.
  • 1967-1968 – the department was headed by Magomedov K.I.
  • 1968-1987  – the department was headed by Makhmudov K.G.
  • 1987-1990 – the department was headed by Aliyev M.N.
  • 1990-1994 –  the department was headed by Shakhov Sh.K.
  • 1994-2015 –  the department was headed by Magomedov H. Sh.
  • 2015 to present — the department was headed by Magomedov G.Kh.

There had been held university championships of the republic, sports competitions of medical universities of the RSFSR and the USSR during the entire existence of the DMI, excluding the war years.

They included from 7 to 12 sports in which athletes of the DMI took part. Five times in 1947, 1948, 1950, 1951 and 1956 in the interuniversity competitions of Dagestan, our national team took the overall first place – nine times, male volleyball players – 12 times took the first place and 4 times – the second place. The success of the volleyball players is more modest, they were the first only 4 times. In basketball, men’s teams took first place 7 times and second place 11 times, and women were first 12 times and only second 3 times. The DMI weightlifters took the first prize   5 times and the second and third 2 times. Our archers have won the university championship twice. The classic style wrestlers won five times and the freestyle wrestlers won three times. Seven times the DMI team won the relay race around the city and 4 times remained second. Once we won the championship in swimming, once in road racing on a bicycle. About 20 passing prizes and cups, more than 300 diplomas and certificates were received by the DMI teams at competitions in various sports. Twice the DMI team won the championship of medical universities of the RSFSR in classical wrestling (in 1957 and 1958), in 1957. Men’s basketball team took the first place among the medical universities of the RSFSR, for the second time in 1965 it took the second place in the zone.

The best athletes, participants of the national teams of the institute and Dagestan, who did a lot for the development of sports in the republic were the following students-alumni of the institute:

In Athletics – men: A. Elson, V. Darovsky, V. Knysh, M. Aslanov, K. Pipkin, Y. Kalabukhov, A. Omarov, Sh. Suleymanov.

Women: E. Yakovleva, L. Yurova, M. Pobeda, M. Lazko, T. Zhadan, L. Vladimirova, L. Sleptsova and others.

In Artistic gymnastics: men: L. Samsonovich, A. Adzhiev, K. Munchaev, A. Osmanov, Sh. Suleymanov.

Women: L. Badakwa, 3. Morozova, T.I. Zhukova, N. Sudovtsova, V. Zhikhareva, M. Akimtseva.

In Classical and freestyle wrestling: G. Gazaliyev, G. Balayants, K. Shamilov, M. Hiraev, Abdulla Shakhnazarov, A. Aliyev, D. Aliyev, K. Makhmudov, M. Omarov, G. Magomedov, Y. Gagiyev, M. Daniyalov, Ahmed Shakhnazarov; Gadzhiev Sapiyula became the USSR master of sports  in Greco-Roman, freestyle wrestling and sambo.

In Basketball – men: A. Aliyev, T. Darbinyan, M. Tamaev, V. Kostyuchenko, Y. Kornilov, V. Ponamarenko, E. Nekipelov, V. Maikovsky, V. Kamenyuk, M. Kyshtymov, S. Adzhiev, V. Mamtsev, V. Kryushkin, O. Hajiyev, M. Kishev, G. Magomedov and others.

Women: L. Sleptsova, E. Yakovleva, E. Gordeeva, L. Rusanova, L. Lyubushkina, Y.N. Timakova, E. Barabanschikova and others.

In Volleyball – men: S. Agababov, D. Ispagiev, G. Asadullayev, P. Magomedov, S. Diberchuev, M. Omarov, A. Abakarov, A. Labazanov, K. Idrissov, B. Kamalov, M. Cheerov, G. Sakidibirov and others.

Women: A. Solovyova, E. Arkelova, E. Yakovleva, V. Burminskaya, E. Golyas, A. Ukraintseva, M. Denisenko and others.

The following teachers and coaches have worked at the department for the longest time and made a significant contribution to the development of physical education and sports: Zhukova T.I.; Magomedov K.I.; Alyshev G.I.; Bakaev N.M.; Chubin V.; Timakova Yu.N., Cheerov M.; Makhmudov K.G.

The result of the work of these people, with the support of the Institute, especially Director Alibekov S. Yu., rector Nagorny M. T., Maksudov M. M., head of the military department Makarov M. M., assistant deans of the Institute Aliyev A.M. and Akaev S. I. and others, was that the teams of the Institute repeatedly won various competitions: interuniversity, city, republican DASSR and RSFSR, USSR, who were part of the national teams of the Sports Community “Burevestnik”, the USSR national teams at the World Championships and the Olympic Games.

The list of DMI victories of athletes for the first 30 years of its existence is as follows:

1945– 1st place for organizing sports work and winning the city relay.

1946– 1st place in the city relay, second places in shooting competitions, fencing.

1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951 – first places in city relay races, in chess (teacher Gorgiev and student Kasparov) and in classical wrestling (Abubakarov X., Gitinov K., Hiraev M., Shakhnazarov A.)

1954-56-the same results were repeated in the same competitions, but in the relay they lost to DPI and DSU, taking only 3rd place.

1956 – the first place in basketball (men) and the second in cycling on the highway at the city competitions of Makhachkala.

1957 – the first place in classical wrestling among Med. Universities of the RSFSR and the first place in the complex sports contest of the Peoples of Dagestan. The second was in the relay race.

In 1959, the DMI teams became champions of the city of Makhachkala in barbell, basketball (women) and freestyle wrestling. K. Hashimov especially distinguished himself by setting a new record in Dagestan in his weight category. K. Munchaev performed well in gymnastics. He fulfilled the standard of the master of sports. The men’s basketball team of the DMI, playing in Rostov-on-Don in the RSFSR zone, took second place.

1960-1962 – the DMI teams repeatedly became winners of the Voluntary Sports Society “Burevestnik” among the universities of the city in basketball, volleyball (men and women) and gymnastics.

1964-1965 Overall second place at the Spartakiad of the city’s universities (by sports).

The highest number of records were set in athletics:

1947. Evgeniya Yakovleva – shotput (10.8 m.), pentathlon (3684 points)

1948. Bagirov G. – 1500-meters race (4.18.1) – DMI record, Yurova L.P. – 400-meters race (59.7 sec.), 800-meters race (2 min 36.9 sec), Vladimirova L. – 400-meters race (59.4 sec.), 200-meters race (27.2 sec.)

1949. Elson A. – long jump (6 m.13 cm.) – city record.

1954. Leonid Samsonovich – gymnastics, multiathlon (52.55 points), Larisa Badakova-gymnastics, multiathlon (52.65 points)

1957. Konstantin Pipkin-200-meters race (24.0 sec.). DMI record, Zhadan T.-100-meters race (12.8 sec.). DMI record. Relay race (4×200 m.): Omarov A., Pipkin K., Aslanov M., Ibragimov (1min. 35.7 sec.). DASSR record.

1958. Zhadan T.-high jump (1 m. 32 cm.). DMI record.

1960. Aslanov M.-100-meters race (10.7 sec.)..). DASSR record.

1963. Aslanov M.-long jump (7 m. 27 cm.), pentathlon (2609 points). Records of the DASSR. B. Darovsky-800-meters race (2 m. 09.2 sec.). The city’s record.

1965. Shorin N.-hammer throw (56.47 m.). DASSR record.

1966. S. Yerimenko – long jump (5 m. 52 cm.). DASSR record.

The DMI team of athletes has trained several masters of sports who were included in the strongest athletes of the RSFSR:

Master of Sports of the USSR in weightlifting Gashimov K. Master of sports in gymnastics Munchaev K. Master of sports in classical wrestling Daniyalov M. A. Master of sports in freestyle wrestling Gagiev Yu. Master of sports in classical and freestyle wrestling Shakhnazarov A. Master of sports in freestyle wrestling Makhmudov K. and Aliyev D.

Honored Masters of Sports: Aliev A. Z. – a five-time champion and participant of the Olympic Games in 1964, 1968 and 1972. After 1966, the following students of the DSMI continued and multiplied the sports traditions of their predecessors, M. S. Aratsilov became an honored master of sports, a world champion, a silver medalist of the Olympic Games in freestyle wrestling. The masters of sports of the international class was Isaeva Makhloukhanum in archery, the champion of the USSR in 1982, the medalist of the European, World and Olympic Championships. In freestyle wrestling, they became masters of sports of international class: S. Harunov, champion of the USSR; participant of the European Championship. Hajiyev Batal – champion of the USSR, participant of the World Championship, Magomedov Khasrat-bronze medalist of the USSR Championship in 1976, 6-time champion of the International Tournament for the prize of Ali Aliyev, winner of the Minsk International Tournament named after A. Medved; Ibrahimov Rashid-judo champion of Europe as part of the team; Tengizov Eradil – champion of Russia and Europe in taekwando; Abakarov Abdulzhalil-karate.

Masters of Sports of the USSR were: Ramazanov Safar, Umargadzhiev G., Satibalov Temirbolat, Osmanov Abdurakhman, Mahmudov Kamil, Mukhtarov Taymaskhan Makhachev Osman, Adalov Magomed, Hajiyev Magomed, Bagayev Makhach, Dadamov Abdullagadzhi, Aratskhanov Abakar, Kavtarashvili Demuri, Shonus Mikhail, Dibirov Dibir, Aliyev Abakar, Zalomkhanov Zalomkhan, Alikhanov Felix, Suleymanov Magomed, Jabarov, Abacharaev Omar, Volzhin Alexander, Alkhasov Nurmagomedov, Hajibeyov Alibek, Dagaziev Magomed, Mahmudgadzhiev Kurban, Magomedov Ziyautdin, Daniyilov Mithat, Magomedov Aziz, Pipkin Yuriy, Kuramagomedov Omarashab, Halimov Zainudin, Aliyev Daniyal, Gamzatov Sagim, Ramazanov Kurban, Musayev Magomed, Gorlov Konstantin.

Freestyle wrestling – the national team of the DMI, Champion of the USSR among medical universities in 1972, 1973. Coach Abdulmuslimov A.

Sambo – USSR bronze medalists among medical universities in 1974, 1977, the cities of Tashkent and Odessa. Silver medalists of the Russian Championship among medical universities in 1986 Coach Abdulmuslimov A.

Volleyball (women) – champions of Russia among medical universities in 1974, Champions of the USSR among medical universities in 1978. Champions of Dagestan. Coach Cheerov M. M.

Volleyball (men) – champions of Russia among medical universities in 1974, 3rd place of the USSR Championship among medical universities in Yaroslavl. 1977 Champions of Dagestan.

Basketball (Women) – 3rd place in the RSFSR Championship in Kuibyshev-1976 Champions of Dagestan. Coach Proyaev V.

Streetball – the national team (men and women) of the DSMA, respectively, the fourth and fifth place of the Russian championship among medical and pharmaceutical universities in 2005, Volgograd.

Swimming – the 7th place at the Russian championship among medical universities.

Athletics – for the first time in the history of sports of Dagestan, Konstantin Gorlov became the master of sports of Russia in the 400-meters race; in the 100-meters race, Sagim Gamzatov set a record of Dagestan and became the master of sports of Russia. Sagim Gamzatov is currently a member of the Russian national track and field team in preparation for the World Student Universiade in Kazan 2013 and for the 2014 Olympics.