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Staff of the International Department








The International Department is responsible for the following

— Registration of travel documents for students, teachers, employees of the University travelling on business trips under contracts and agreements, maintenance of centralized records and formation of a database of foreign citizens arriving at the University; control over their compliance with the passport and visa regime.

— Constant co-operation with the competent authorities on visa and registration services for foreign citizens.

— Development of a package of documents for obtaining and renewing work visas for foreign teachers.

— Control over the compliance of foreign citizens arriving at the invitation of the University with the terms of stay and permission to visit cities and regions of the Russian Federation.

— Providing assistance to the administration of the hostel in the interests of its qualitative functioning in the accommodation of foreign students, teachers and researchers.

— Conducting social and educational work with foreign students together with other structural subdivisions of the University, providing assistance in social and
cultural adaptation to the conditions of study and residence in the Russian Federation, promoting familiarisation of foreign students with the culture and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

— Review and respond to incoming foreign correspondence (including correspondence from diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation) on issues of international co-operation.

— Organisation (together with the relevant units of the University and external organisations) of medical examination and assistance in the conclusion of medical insurance contracts by foreign students.

— control over foreign citizens’ compliance with the conditions of registration, validity of national passports and passport and visa regime;

— Registration of foreign citizens upon arrival at the University;

— preparation of entry and exit visas;

— Registration of students living in individual flats;

— registration of expelled students.

— Planning and implementation of priority directions of scientific, educational and cultural relations of the University with specific countries, universities, institutions and organisations and forms international cooperation programmes and projects on their basis.

— Preparation of projects, treaties and agreements on international cooperation.

— Information the structural units of the University about the possibilities of academic mobility, including within the framework of international agreements.