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Congratulations of the rector DSMU Suleiman Mammaev on the Day of Russian Students.



Dear university students! I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Russian Students! The student body has always been the most progressive part society. Your bright ideas creative approach to solving problems and various issues of our life are the key to the stable development of our university, region and country. Achieving new scientific heights is also impossible without your bold ideas. Student bright memorable years in your life use thus time with maximum efficiency.

We have high hopes for you. Purposeful, talented, self- confident, you will enter tomorrow as competitive day in demand, charged for success by specialist real professionals that our country needs so much!

You have already shown yourself to be real doctors and heroes taking an active part in the fight against the spread of the new coronavirus infection. Our students and residents worked side by side as doctors of practical health care day and night, guarding the health people. Many of our students have worked and are working as volunteers including providing advice to the Dagestanis. And today, many hospitals remain providing care to patients with our COVID-19 students.

I congratulate all students on this wonderful holiday! I wish everyone good health, sincere pleasure from studying creative and professional interesting discoveries and successes new achievements good rest after a tense session!

Respectfully yours, Rector of DSMU, professor S.N. Mammaev