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Mikhail Murashko gave a speech at the State Duma Health Committee



Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko took part in an expanded meeting of the State Duma Health Committee.

The head of the Ministry of Health made a report on the priorities in the development of the national health system, and also responded to questions from parliamentarians.

During the speech, the Minister reported on the adjustments of a number of parameters for the national health project related to the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, which affected the conduct of preventive inspections. However, despite this, the figures for them were fully implemented.

“In the periods when the incidence went, we just needed to adjust our actions according to the situation, so there were certain adjustments in this direction, but I want to note that the volumes of preventive examinations were large. The number of patients examined amounted to almost 35 million people, the indicators were fulfilled, “said Mikhail Murashko.

The head of the Ministry of Health also spoke about the unprecedented quality control of Russian vaccines for coronavirus, which indicates their safety and effectiveness.

“In previous years, we have created a system for introducing vaccines into civilian circulation with serial control, so each ampoule produced today undergoes very strict multi-stage control, including laboratories that have accreditation for quality control of both the World Health Organization and a number of foreign countries, so the level of control and the level of quality of vaccines is unprecedented,” the Minister emphasized.

In addition, Mikhail Murashko told the deputies that the “Circle of Good” Fund, together with the Federal Center for Planning and Drug Supply of Citizens of the Ministry of Health of Russia, began competitive procedures for the purchase of the bulk of the need for a drug with the international generic name Nusinersen for all subjects of the Russian Federation for the treatment of patients with SMA in 2021.

In its first phase, 1,488 drug vials will be purchased, which will provide therapy for more than 600 patients.

According to the auction documentation, the supply of the drug Nusinersen to the subjects of the Russian Federation will begin from the moment the contract is concluded in early April 2021.