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Faculty of Dentistry



The Faculty of Dentistry is one of the major educational, scientific and practical divisions of   Dagestan State Medical University




Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Abakarov Tagir Abakarovich

Address of the dean’s office: 367000, Makhachkala Republic of Dagestan, Lenin Square, 1.

Dean’s Office phone: (8-872-2)67-08-43

E-mail address: tagirabakarovich@mail.ru



The Faculty of Dentistry was established at Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1965. The credit for this belongs to the rector, Professor Maksudov Magomed Magomedovich who made a huge contribution to the development of practical health care and science. A modern model polyclinic with a maxillofacial hospital with 45 beds was founded by him and his associates (Gitelman N. T., Alisultanov A. A., Gadzhiev N. G). Here surgical care was provided to the patients with maxillofacial injuries, congenital defect and acquired defects of the maxillofacial area, oral cavity with acute and chronic purulent infection as well as surgical hospital was opened. Honored Doctor and Scientist of DASSR, Professor Maksudov M. M. is the founder of surgical dentistry in Dagestan and in the North Caucasus as a whole.

Максудов Магомед МагомедовичМинистр здравоохранения СССР академик Б.В. Петровский в Дагестане. Пироговские чтения 1979гMagomed Magomedovich Maksudov is the first Dagestani dentist who received a higher education. He graduated from Moscow Medical Dental Institute in 1939. He was destined to become a prominent health care organizer, the founder of the scientific school of dentists in Dagestan.

His long-term and multifaceted activities as an ordinary doctor, head of the maxillofacial department, Minister of Health of Dagestan, rector of Dagestan Medical Institute, assistant, associate professor, professor, head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry contributed to the introduction of the latest methods of

organizing medical and preventive care to the population, the development of medical science in the republic.

Выступление Министра здравоохранения Республики Дагестан, профессора Ибрагимова Т.И. на открытии мемориальной доски, памяти М.М.Максудова








In fairness, it should be noted that when M. M. Maksudov returned to his native Dagestan in 1940 the republic had already had a dental service. Makhachkala Dental Polyclinic run by N. T. Gitelman at that time was functioning well. The dental school headed by Fetisov produced dental technicians. Dagestan branch of the All-Union Society of Dentists began working since 1937.

Having outstanding personal qualities M. M. Maksudov joined this service, immediately moved to its leaders. During the terrible war years, he was the leading surgeon of the maxillofacial department of the evacuation hospital. His brilliant operations saved lives, brought back hundreds of soldiers wounded in the maxillofacial region. His innovative solutions in the treatment of the wounded have been summarized in scientific publications. In particular, his scientific publication “Secondary bleeding in gunshot wounds of the jaw” was published in 1943, “Reconstructive surgery of the face” in 1944 , “Filatov’s stem in facial plastic surgery” in 1945.








Particular importance among the publications of the war period and the first post-war years were the works on osteoplasty of the lower jaw. In these works the author acts as an innovator who has developed a fundamentally new method of plastic restoration of the lower jaw defect by freely applying a graft. Based on the materials of his work in the maxillofacial department M. M. Maksudov prepared and successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Osteoplasty of the lower jaw after a gunshot wound” in 1956. In 1967 M. M. Maksudov brilliantly defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences and soon became a professor.

As the rector of the Dagestan Medical Institute, M. M. Maksudov gave a lot of spiritual strength and creative energy to the organization of his favorite brainchild-the Faculty of Dentistry which was established in 1965. It should be noted that by that time under his own leadership a clinical base had been already prepared in Makhachkala — the largest Republican Dental polyclinic in the North Caucasus.

In 1967, when the students of the Faculty of Dentistry moved to the third year, the Department of Dentistry was opened and headed by Professor Maksudov M. M.

Experienced teachers-associate professors Sinitsyn V. D. and Bazarnova S. M.  were invited from   Moscow Medical Dental Institute to assist in the organization of educational and methodological work and lectures on orthopedic and therapeutic dentistry. Lectures on surgical dentistry were given by Professor M. M. Maksudov himself.

In 1970 in connection with the expansion of the volume of work and the replenishment of the staff of teachers (by that time, the specialists who had completed the targeted postgraduate study also returned), the Department of Dentistry was transformed into three independent specialized departments. The Department of Surgical Dentistry was headed by Professor M. M. Maksudov.

The head of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry was a Doctor of Medical Sciences Knubovets Ya. S., one of the authors of the popular textbook “Dental equipment”. Doctor of Medical Sciences A. S. Zaslavsky was invited to head the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry. The Faculty of Dentistry lived a full-blooded life. At the faculty, research work was launched, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel was organized through postgraduate studies on the basis of specialized departments.

In particular, under the direct supervision of  Maksudov M. M. were prepared and defended  the doctoral dissertation of G. E. Dranovsky, the candidate dissertations of P. P. Huseynov, A. R. Gadzhiev, G. M. Gusenov, A. S. Akhmedkhanov and a number of others. Maksudov’s monograph “Homotransplantation of dental rudiments”, published in 1970 was a major contribution to the domestic dental science.

At the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry headed by Zaslavsky A.S. for the first 3 years a group of graduate students developed issues related to periodontal diseases, as well as regional pathology. Currently, the department carries out scientific research within the framework of the federal and republican programs on the topic “Major dental diseases, their prevention and treatment”. Employees are protected 12 master’s theses. Currently, all five specialized departments of the Faculty of Dentistry of Dagestan State Medical University are headed by students and followers of Professor Maksudov M. M. Many graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry have become well-known scientists and health care organizers and successfully work in many regions of the Russian Federation and abroad. The scientific ideas put forward by Professor Maksudov M. M. are still being developed by his successors. Summarizing the above we can draw the following conclusion: Maksudov M. M. being an outstanding organizer of health care, a talented scientist made a significant contribution to the development of dental science in Dagestan and in fact is its founder.

First, he organized the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for the Faculty of  Dentistry  through a targeted postgraduate program. Secondly, Maksudov M. M.  invited experienced highly qualified specialists from large university centers to work in Dagestan.

Third, Maksudov M. M.   provided training of scientific and pedagogical personnel from among the graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry through postgraduate studies both on its own basis and in the leading scientific centers of the country.

Even today the students and followers of Professor Maksudov M. M. continue to make a significant contribution to the development of dental science in Dagestan and the Russian Federation.

The development and formation of the dental faculty of Dagestan State Medical Institute was actively assisted by dentists from Moscow, Kazan and other Russian cities such as professors Dranovsky G. E., Zaslavsky A. S., Knubovets Ya. S., associate professors Gomerstein E. E., Sinitsyn V. D., Gorovoy Yu. M., Rokhlenko. Along with Russian citizens, foreign students have been studying at the university since 1986. And since that time, the Faculty of Dentistry has trained more than 700 doctors from 23 foreign countries: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Palestine, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Israel, etc., A large educational, pedagogical and scientific potential is involved for the training of doctors at the university and at the faculty. Educational and methodological conferences with publication of a collection of conference materials are held every year to optimize the educational process. At the university, both clinical and theoretical departments are provided with computer equipment. Computer classes are organized for examination control and for daily training of students, which was positively evaluated by the members of the State Attestation Commission of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation. Attestation Commission of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation with regular assessment of the University acknowledged that the quality of training in Dagestan State Medical University, at dental faculty corresponds to the State educational standards of higher professional education of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the university has extensive experience in teaching foreign citizens medical specialties and has made a huge contribution to the training of specialists from foreign countries for the last 5 years.

Currently, the faculty employs mainly graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry of Dagestan State Medical University who have defended their dissertations for the degree of candidates and Doctors of Medical Sciences. Nowadays most of them are the heads of departments of the Faculty of Dentistry.

The Department of Surgical Dentistry is headed by Associate professor Ordashev Kh. The staff developed a comprehensive topic “Epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic and treatment of sialadenosis” under his leadership. The department is a center for medical and consultative assistance to patients with surgical pathology, as well as a base for training and retraining of dental surgeons, clinical residents and base for internships.

The Department of Orthopedic Dentistry was headed by Professor Rasulov K. M. from 1985 to 2012.   Rasulov K.M. is the first graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry of  Dagestan Medical Institute defended his doctoral dissertation. Scientific researches conducted at the department were mainly devoted to the study of the epidemiology of dental diseases, the problems of pathogenetic aspects and various methods of treatment of periodontal diseases.

Eleven candidate dissertations were prepared based on the materials of research conducted at the department under the guidance of  Rasulov K. M.

The department is headed by Associate Professor Rasulov I. K since 2012. Nowadays the department successfully continues scientific research. About six monographs have been prepared and published including the textbook “Dental Prosthetic equipment”, reprinted in Moscow in 2010.

 Department of Pediatric Dentistry was established on the basis of the city children’s dental clinic in 1986. Its organizer and first head was Associate professor Shvarts V. V., who made a significant contribution to the organization, formation and development of the department and the entire children’s dentistry of the republic.

The Department was headed by PhD, Associate professor Gadzhiev A.R. from 1987 to 2020.  Gadzhiev A.R. is the founder of development of orthodontic service of the Republic of Dagestan, maintains a large medical advisory work in the complex treatment of children with congenital cleft lip and palate.

The department has an orthodontic museum, which clearly presents the results of many years of working in the treatment of dental anomalies by orthodontists of the department. Since November 2020 the department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kurbanov O. R.









The Department of  Propaedeutics and Prevention of Dental Diseases was established in 2000. The head of it was elected a Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Izabakarov Ya. I. He served in this position until 2003.

The department was headed by Ph. D., Associate Professor Omarov O.G-M. from 2003 to 2020.  Нe published a textbook “Practical course on the phantom course of therapeutic dentistry” (Moscow 2007), which was included in the list of basic literature for dental faculties 2nd-year students of Russian universities and a number of educational and methodological manuals. The department has been heading by Candidate of Medical Sciences,Associate professor Omarova Kh.O. since 2020.

The Department of Therapeutic Dentistry was headed by Professor Zaslavsky A. S. from 1970 to 1973. Then it was being headed by Professor Osmanov T. A. from 1973 till 2011.Nowadays Professor, MD Medzhidov M. N. is the head of the Department. He is the author of more than 390 scientific papers, 35 of them published in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. He has 2 author’s certificates and one patent for an invention, as well as 35 certificates for an innovation proposal.

 In co-authorship with Dmitrieva L. A., Elizarova V. M., the textbook “Periodontitis” with EMD stamp was published in 2007 in Moscow. In total, the department published 15 textbooks and 2 textbooks with the stamp of EMD of medical and pharmaceutical universities of the Russian Federation. In 2014 Medzhidov M. N. became the winner of the annual award of   EMD of medical and pharmaceutical universities of the Russian Federation.

 The prize was awarded to Medzhidov M. N. by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Skvortsova V. I.

The University is proud that many graduates of the faculty have achieved great professional success and work in leading medical universities of Russia. A graduate of the University, Professor T. I. Ibragimov, Head of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of Moscow State Medical and Dental University and now is the Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia Abakarov S. I.  currently is the head of the Department of prosthetic dentistry and Dean of the Russian medical Academy of postgraduate education.  Here also works Associate professor Adzhiev K. S.

MD, Associate professor  Akhmedov G. D  works at the Department of Faculty of Surgical Dentistry and Implantology of Moscow State Medical and Dental University. He is the Deputy Dean of the dental University.

Daudova F. Yu. is the head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the Peoples ‘ Friendship University of Russia. Great help in teaching students is provided by the management and staff of dental clinics; Republican dental clinic, (chief doctor Musalov Kh. G), Republican Children’s Dental Clinic named after M. Maksudov (chief doctor Omarova P. Kh.) The 1st city dental clinic of Makhachkala (chief doctor Chavtaraev M. M.). At the Faculty of Dentistry, students actively participate in research work , take part in cultural trips, student sports competitions and in the sports life of the university.

In their daily work, the Rector’s office, deans ‘ offices, and the staff of the Faculty of Dentistry try to improve the quality of training of future dentists. More than 6550 dentists have been trained for54 years since the establishment of the Faculty of Dentistry. About 420 graduates graduated with honors. Many graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry work not only in Dagestan, but also outside the Republic in the countries of the far and near abroad, directing their efforts and knowledge to promote the health of the population.