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Department of skin and venereal diseases



Head of the department: Associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Gadzhimuradov Marat Nurmagomedovich

General information

The Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases was established in 1935. It was headed by Professor Anatoly Viktorovich Rossov. The department was located in a former cold barrack, on the outskirts of the city.

The department was headed by Associate Professor Serazhutdin Yusupovich Alibekov in 1952, who in those years worked as the director of the DMI. He made a great contribution to the strengthening of the material and technical base of the institute, to the creation of normal living conditions for students.

The department was headed by Associate Professor, Professor Ibrahim-Khalil Magomedovich Khalilov, later professor. He carried out a great work on the study of the epidemiology, clinic and clinical features of  trichomycosis in Dagestan, created a dummy museum.

The department intensively conducted research work on the issues of regional pathology and resort therapy of some chronic dermatoses, oncodermatoses and sexually transmitted diseases. Professor  Khalilov I.H. M was awarded the title of “Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan” and “People’s Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan” for his services to the republic.

The head of the department was Associate Professor Tamara Serazhutdinovna Alibekova .She was awarded the title of “Honored Doctor of the RD” for her fruitful work from 1989 to 1994.

The department was headed by Professor Papu Magomedovna Aliyeva for her active creative work, she was awarded the title of “Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan from 1994 to 2015”. The head of the department was elected Doctor of Medical Sciences, associate Professor Gadzhimuradov Marat Nurmagomedovich in October 2015.

Prior to being elected head of the department, M. N. Gadzhimuradov was a member of the State Coordinating Anti-Drug Commission under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Southern Federal District, Rostov-on-Don in 2002-2008; currently, he is the head of the National Alliance of Dermatologists and Cosmetologists of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan and an acting expert of the All-Russian public Organization “Medical League of Russia”. M. N. Gadzhimuradov has been a member of the editorial board of the central federal journal “Clinical Dermatology and Venereology” since 2002.

Gadzhimuradov M. N. is a member of the editorial board of the central federal journal “Clinical Dermatology and Venereology”. His article “Clinical and morphological features of giant angioedema” won the All-Russian competition ” Best Scientific Article-2013 “in the category “Medical Sciences” in 2013. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia awarded  Dagestan  Medical  Academy with a diploma for the scientific work “Atypical signs of syphilis”, presented by M. N. Gadzhimuradov in the Netherlands (October 2013).The textbook “Fundamentals of prevention in dermatovenerology”, published in 2015, is recommended by the Educational and methodical association  for Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of Russian universities as a textbook on the specialty of medical and preventive medicine.

Currently, the department employs: Doctor of Medical Sciences Prof. P. M. Aliyeva,; Candidate of Medical Sciences. associate professors: M. D. Dzhumalieva, A. M. Magomedova; Candidate of Medical Sciences. assistants: Efendieva, D. N. Jalilova, Mugutdinova A. S., assistants Alieva M. G., Mamasheva G. D., Muslimov M. O.; senior laboratory assistant X. G. Bugunaeva Practical doctors undergo advanced training at the department.

Educational work

Contingent of trainees-training in the discipline “Skin and venereal diseases” is carried out in 4 courses of medical, pediatric, preventive medicine and dental faculties

The department provides postgraduate training (full-time and part-time), clinical residency and internship.

Methodological support:

There are 48 sets of slides on dermatology and pediatric dermatology on the topics: “Infectious and parasitic skin diseases”, “Eczema”, “Psoriasis”, “Itchy dermatoses”, “Leprosy”, etc. and venereology on the topics: “Acquired Syphilis”, “Congenital Syphilis”, “Urogenital infections”.

The dummy museum consists of 200 items of dummies, 142 tables on various sections of dermatology and venereology. Technical means: slide projector-1, computers-2.

The department conducts active educational and methodological work. The staff of the department prepared thematic developments for students on topical issues of dermatology, mycology and pyoderma. In practical classes, questions of programmed control, determination of current and final performance by test control, situational tasks of level I and II on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin veins were widely used.

When conducting practical classes, the current curation of patients on the topic under study and the final curation with the registration and protection of the medical history, which determines the level of mastering the practical skills of the trainees are necessarily carried out.

A great help in the learning process are methodological developments on practical skills developed by the department;a methodological guide on the most important venereal infection-syphilis, with the inclusion of various methods of examination and test control.On the basis of the department certification courses of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Dermatovenerologists RD are held for 2 cycles per year on the topic:”Modern diagnostics and treatment of skin and venereal diseases”.The number of listeners is on average 20 people per cycle. The department annually trains 12-20 clinical interns and residents.

The main direction of scientific research of the department related to the development of diagnostics and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, chronic dermatoses, regional pathology and resort factors of Dagestan continues.

The staff of the department actively participates in the industry research complex program: “Epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and chronic dermatoses” and “Adolescent health-the health of the nation” for the study of urogenital herpes and candidiasis in children.

The Department together with  Mechnikov  I. I. Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has tested and treats patients with a multicomponent cell — free vaccine VP-4, which provides a good therapeutic effect, prolongs the remission period and reduces the severity of the course. For the first time in domestic practice, a method of combined treatment of herpes with the VP — 4 vaccine was developed and implemented. According to the results, a manual for doctors was prepared and published. A new method has been put into practice using a modern antimycotic drug-forkan in combination with immunocorrection.

The staff of the department performed about 600 scientific works, which were published in the central and local press. The monograph “Skin diseases with hereditary predisposition” was published (V. N. Mordovtsev, P. M. Alieva, A, S. Sergeev, 2002).

The department has prepared and defended 20 dissertations, including 4 doctoral and 16 candidate theses. Employees of the department take an active part in congresses, congresses of dermatovenerologists, symposiums and All — Russian scientific and practical conferences with the publication of articles, theses, speeches and reports.

Professor P. M. Aliyeva is included in the central problem-based educational and methodological commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on dermatovenerology, actively participates in the development of new training programs, training test control, and situational tasks. The developed examination test control is included in the All-Russian program.

Employees of the department actively participate in the work of the Republican headquarters of dermatovenerologists to combat venereal and infectious skin diseases at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, where issues of joint work of dermatovenerological, obstetric-gynecological, urological, pediatric and sanitary-epidemiological services of the republic for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases in the Republic of Dagestan are discussed.

All employees of the department carry out medical and diagnostic work: consultation of patients, management of patients in difficult situations, determination of indications for referral to specialized research institutes for treatment of patients. In order to improve the work of the dermatovenerological service, regular visits to cities and districts of the republic are carried out.

The jubilee of the dermatovenerological service is 80 years old

The Republican Skin and Venereal Dispensary of the Republic of Dagestan celebrated the 80th anniversary of the associate Professor of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of  DSMU Dzhumalieva Maida Jamievna on May 3, 2017. Maida Jamievna began her career in 1962 as a dermatologist at the Republican Skin and Venereal Dispensary. She worked as an assistant at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of  DSMI since 1966  and since 1994 she continued her medical and pedagogical activities as an associate professor. She is the patriarch of the Dermatovenerological service of the Republic of Dagestan, supervises professional development cycles, and consults clinic patients.

The head of the Department of Skin and Venereal diseases Gadzhimuradov M. N. and congratulated  her  of the day and expressed hope for further joint scientific and practical work!


Student Scientific Society meeting

The rector of  Dagestan State Medical University, Professor S. N. Mammaev, focuses on the involvement of University students in research work. And one of these areas is the student scientific circles at the departments. So, a meeting of the Student Scientific Circle on Dermatovenerology was held in the lecture hall of the Department of  Skin and Venereal Diseases at 11 o’clock . The event was dedicated to diet therapy for atopic dermatitis  on November 21, 2016

The meeting was attended by the head of the department Gadzhimuradov M. N., the head of the educational part Mugutdinova A. S., asistents Efendieva G. A. and Alieva M. G. The head of the department Gadzhimuradov M. N. made a welcoming speech. In particular, he stressed that it is necessary to start learning to speak, to express your thoughts publicly, to analyze the topic set as a student. This is a necessary experience for a lifetime.

The report was presented by a 5th-year student of the medical Faculty of group 17, Dibirova Shakhruzat Magomedovna. She revealed the topic in detail, presented a scientifically based vision of this problem. A student of group 13 of the Faculty of Medicine introduced a patient with microbial eczema to the audience. She conducted a differential diagnosis of this disease, justified therapy, including a hypoallergenic diet.

REPORT of the meeting of Student Scientific Society meeting

A meeting of the Student Scientific Circle on Dermatovenerology was held in the lecture hall of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases,. The event was dedicated to the Prevention of fungal diseases.

The meeting was attended by the head of the department Gadzhimuradov M. N., the head of the educational part Mugutdinova A. S., assistants Bugunaeva H. G., Mammasheva G. D. and Alieva M. G. The head of the department Gadzhimuradov M. N. made a welcoming speech. In particular, he stressed that it is necessary to start learning to speak, express your thoughts publicly, analyze the topic  since being a student. This is a necessary experience for a lifetime.

The report was presented by a student of the 2nd group of the 5th year of the medical faculty Hasanova Amina Bashirovna. She revealed the topic in detail, presented a scientifically based vision of this problem. A student of the 8th group of the Medical Faculty Nargiz Huseynova , introduced a patient with a fungal disease to the audience. She described the clinic, reported on the anamnesis, made a differential diagnosis of this disease and justified the therapy.


REPORT of the meeting of Student Scientific Society

The rector of the Dagestan State Medical University, Professor S. N. Mammaev, focuses on the involvement of University students in research work. And one of these areas is the student scientific circles at the departments. A meeting of the Student Scientific Circle on Dermatovenerology was held in the lecture hall of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases. The event was dedicated to the principles and approaches of local therapy in dermatology. The meeting was attended by the head of the department Gadzhimuradov M. N., assistants Hashimova H. A and Efendieva G. A.

The head of the department,M. N. Gadzhimuradov  made a welcoming speech. In particular, he stressed that local therapy is a feature of the discipline of dermatovenerology. Everyone needs to learn its basics. This will allow doctors of related specialties to use these approaches in their work.

The report was presented by Ramazan Timurovich Kelbiev, a 5th-year student of the Medical Faculty of the 43rd group. A student of the 41st group of the Faculty of Medicine introduced a patient with chronic eczema to the audience and demonstrated a practical approach to local therapy in dermatology.

The Rector of Dagestan State Medical University, Professor S. N. Mammaev, focuses on the involvement of University students in research work. And one of these areas is the student scientific circles at the departments. A meeting of the Student Scientific Circle on Dermatovenerology was held in the lecture hall of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases.

The event was dedicated to the peculiarities of children’s skin. The meeting was attended by the head of the department Gadzhimuradov M. N., assistants Hashimova H. A. and Bugunaeva H. G. The head of the department Gadzhimuradov M. N. made a welcoming speech. In particular, he stressed that children’s skin has a number of features. Pediatricians should take this into account when making a diagnosis and local therapy. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to the reaction of children’s skin to exogenous stimuli – it is not always predictable.

The report was presented by a 5th-year student of the pediatric Faculty of group 7, Mutalieva Zalina. And also a student of the 5th year of the pediatric faculty of the 8th group Akhmatova Zalina.


Thematic plan of practical and lecture classes on dermatovenerology for students of the pediatric Faculty. (10th semester).


Topics of the Pediatric Faculty

Anatomy –physiological features of the skin of children. The method of examination of the skin patient. Morphology of skin rash. Pyodermites.

Fungal skin diseases: epidermomycosis, candidiasis and trichomycosis. Parasitic skin diseases.

Dermatitis, toxicoderma  and eczema. Genodermatoses: ichthyosis, congenital epidermolysis bullosa

Psoriasis, lichen planus. (Curation of patients. Preparation of a medical history).

Itchy dermatoses in children. Atopic dermatitis. (Curation of patients).

Blistering skin diseases. Viral dermatoses. (Curation of patients).

Collagenoses: erythematosis, scleroderma. Infectious erythema. Protection of the medical history.

Tuberculosis of the skin. Leprosy. Leishmaniasis of the skin. Final on dermatology.

Venereology. Methods of examination of a patient with venereal

diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases. HIV infection (dermatological aspects).

Syphilis, the general part. The primary period of syphilis.

Secondary period of syphilis.

Tertiary and congenital syphilis. Treatment and prevention of syphilis.

Gonorrhea, non-gonococcal urethritis in children. Treatment and prevention.

Thematic plan of practical classes in dermatovenerology for students of the Faculty of Dentistry. (8th semester)

  • Structure and functions of the skin and oral mucosa. Fundamentals of the diagnosis of skin diseases: I and II morphological elements.
  • Pyoderma: staphylococcal, streptococcal, mixed, chronic.Viral diseases: simple vesicular and shingles.
  • Fungal diseases: Pityriasis, trichophytia, microsporia, Candidiasis. Scabies.
  • Dermatitis (stomatitis). Toxicoderma. Eczema.
  • Tuberculosis of the skin and mucous membranes. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, course and treatment.
  • Red lichen planus. Psoriasis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, course and treatment.
  • Pemphigoid. Bullous pemphigoid. Duhring’s dermatitis. Scarring pemphigoid. Bullous pemphigoid.
  • Lupus erythematosus and erythema multiforme. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, course and treatment.
  • Cheilitis: exfoliative, grandular, meteorological, atypical, Melkerson — Rosenthal syndrome. Chronic cracked lip.
  • Atopic dermatitis. Shingle Vidal. Urticaria.
  • Precancerous diseases of the skin, oral mucosa and red border of the lips. Bowen’s disease. Warty precancer. Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis, abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manganotti. Poikilomyoma, keratomyoma, and cutaneous horn.
  • The causative agent of syphilis. The course of acquired syphilis. Clinical manifestations, period I. Atypical forms.
  • Secondary syphilis: clinic, diagnosis, dif / diagnosis.
  • Tertiary syphilis and congenital syphilis. Clinic and dif / diagnostics.
  • Diagnosis of syphilis, modern methods of treatment.
  • Gonorrhea: pathogen, classification, clinic, treatment, prevention.

Thematic plan of practical classes in dermatovenerology for students of the Faculty of Medicine. (9th semester)

-Anatomy, histology, and physiology of the skin. Morphology of the skin rash. Principles of diagnosis of dermatoses.

-Pyoderma. Parasitic skin diseases.

-Fungal skin diseases: epidermomycosis, candidiasis and trichomycosis.

-Dermatitis, toxicoderma, and eczema.

-Psoriasis, lichen planus.

-Neurodermatosis. Atopic dermatitis. Occupational skin diseases.

– Blistering skin diseases. Viral dermatoses.

-Collagenoses: erythematosis, scleroderma.

-Tuberculosis of the skin. Leprosy. Leishmaniasis of the skin.

– Venereology. Methods of examination of a patient with venereal diseases. –Sexually transmitted diseases. HIV infection (dermatological aspects).

-Syphilis, the general part. The primary period of syphilis. 

-Secondary period of syphilis.

-Tertiary and congenital syphilis.

-Treatment and prevention of syphilis.

-Gonorrhea and non-gonococcal urethritis in men. Treatment and prevention.


Thematic plan of practical classes in dermatovenerology for students of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention. (7th semester).

-Anatomy, histology, and physiology of the skin. Morphology of the skin rash. Method of examination of the skin patient. Principles of diagnosis of dermatoses in children.

-Pyoderma. Parasitic skin diseases.

-Fungal skin diseases: epidermomycosis, candidiasis and trichomycosis.

-Dermatitis, toxicoderma, and eczema. Prof. Skin diseases.

-Psoriasis. Red lichen planus.

-Collagenoses: erythematosis, scleroderma.

– Blistering skin diseases. Viral diseases.

-Leprosy.Tuberculosis. Leishmaniasis

-Introduction to venereology. Methods of examination of a patient with venereal diseases. Syphilis, the general part. The primary period of syphilis.

– Secondary period of syphilis.

-Tertiary and congenital syphilis.

-Serodiagnostics of syphilis. Treatment and prevention of syphilis. 5. ———Gonorrhea and non-gonococcal urethritis in men. Treatment and prevention.

– Fight against sexually transmitted and infectious skin diseases. Tasks of sanitary doctors of different profiles in the prevention of venereal and infectious skin diseases.

– Sexually transmitted diseases. (HIV infection (dermatological aspects).