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Sports race dedicated to the World Donor Day



On Sunday, June 13, the Park of the Lenin Komsomol hosted the celebration of World Donor Day, which is celebrated in all countries of the world on June 14. It was proclaimed in 2005 by the World Health Organization.

 Safe blood is needed everywhere. It is vital for both treatment and emergency medical care. To ensure a sufficient amount of safe blood is possible only through its regular donation by voluntary donors.

As part of the event, physical exercises were held for all participants of the holiday and a sports race “We are 5 years old Follow me” was held. It was initiated by medical volunteers of the Dagestan State Medical University together with the International Red Cross Movement and the Republican Blood Transfusion Station. 

The race was attended by the chief doctor of the Republican Blood Transfusion Station Khadizhat Tankayeva, Red Cross participants, medical volunteers and a huge number of citizens and children. At the end of the race, the organizers determined the winners, for whom the Republican Blood Transfusion Station prepared valuable and memorable gifts.

A great addition to the race was a master class on first aid from the activists of the Regional Branch of Medical Volunteers.

 Events of this nature are organized annually to introduce and strengthen the habits of a healthy lifestyle of a person who gives blood to save someone’s life. The participants of the race learned a lot of useful information about donation and first aid in emergency situations, received an invitation to the event on the Day of the donor at the blood transfusion station and, most importantly, a lot of positive emotions! 

 Asiyat Magdilova, Volunteer Center