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Department of General and Biological сhemistry



General information

The department is located on I. Shamil Avenue, 44 in the educational and laboratory building of DSMU and has 14 classrooms, a scientific laboratory, 3 educational laboratories, 10 offices of the teaching staff, and a number of auxiliary and technical rooms. The total area of the departmental premises is more than 1200 m2.

Head of the department – RANS Academician , Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education, Honoured Science Worker, M.D., Professor Nagiev Eizudin Ramazanovich. In 1979 he graduated with honors from Pirogov Odessa State Medical University at the Department of Biochemistry where he worked his way from a full-time graduate student to a doctor of medical sciences. Author of more than 400 scientific and teaching and guiding works, including 9 monographs, 18 books for students and doctors, 5 of which are approved and recommended by the Russian Federation’s AMA for medical students of the Russian Federation. Under his leadership, 3 doctoral and 12 doctoral dissertations were defended; he was awarded the honorary title of Founder of the Science School.


Head of the department, Professor E.R. Nagiev

Address: I. Shamil Avenue, 44;
Telephone: 8-872-63-44-62;


Department staff



IN TOTAL, there are 33 full-time employees in the staffing chart of the department, where 21 employees are from Academic Teaching Staff, those of 2 Professors, 10 Associate Professors, 1 Senior Lecturer, 8 Assistants. Educational support staff of the department includes 6 senior laboratory assistants, 1 laboratory assistant, 5 laboratory demonstrators.
More than 90% of the department staff has academic degrees.

Head of the Department prof. E. R. Nagiyev is a member of the Dissertation Board of the Kuban State Medical University (Krasnodar) and the Dagestan State University; All-Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals editorial board member «Defense complex is Russia’s scientific and technological progress», «Industrial ecology», «DSMA Vestnik»; International grant holder «Soro Professor» and SFD Grant for Education and Training. Since 2003, he has been conducting a lot of public and organizational work as a Scientific Supervisor of the SSC DSMA. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department Lugovets V. M., Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Dagestan, for many years has been the Scientific Secretary of the Joint Academic Council of the DSMA, awarded the medal of the DSMA; candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Magomedova K. M., Honored teacher of the Republic of Dagestan, co-author of the monograph “Ethanol and metabolism”, for many years is the deputy dean of the Higher School of Economics, awarded the badge “Excellent Student of Public Education of the Republic of Dagestan, Honorary Diploma of the State Medical Academy; Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Bilalov F. I. head of the educational part of the Department of Biochemistry; Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Gamzatova P. A. head of the educational part of the Department of General Chemistry; Associate Professor, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences Mehtikhanov S. D. and associate professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Babaeva D. P. They carry out a lot of organizational work at the Faculty of Pharmacy, manage the production practice and the defense of course papers of graduate students.

Prof. E.R. Nagiev with a group of young scientists

An important contribution to the 1st and 2nd courses students’ training  to adapt to the conditions of Higher school is made by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Arbukhanova M. S., Candidates of Biological Sciences, Associate Professors Ismailov I. A., Huseynov G. O., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor Shapiev B. I., Senior teacher Sypchenko V. I., Candidates of Chemical and Biological sciences, Assistants Byurnieva U. G., Gazimagomedova M. M., Idrisova A. H., Magomedova Z. M., Magomedova M. A., Magomedova M. S., Osmanova S. O., Assistant Alimirzoeva Z. M. They successfully combine the educational process with scientific research, works on the candidate’s dissertation completion.

For many years, experienced senior laboratory assistants have been providing training and high-quality laboratory classes at the department. These are Ibragimova S.R. (awarded the DSMA Honorary Charter), Jalayeva G.G., Kisheva A.V., Mironova I.G. Senior laboratory assistants, DSMA graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy Nasukhova A.M. and Nasukhov N.M. are part-time postgraduate students of the Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Academy. The preparators of the department are Davudova A. S., Dzhabaeva K. Sh., Nasukhova I. G., Khanova K. D.



Department Staff of General Chemistry, 2009

The Department of General and Biological Chemistry has been operating since the first months of the Dagestan Medical Institute founding in the form of two departments – general and inorganic chemistry and biochemistry (founder and first head of the department, Associate Professor P.T. Sokolov, 1932-1965). Over the years, Department of General Chemistry was headed by Associate Professors M. A. Kazanbieva (1966-1984), S. D. Mehtikhanov (1985-1994), Professors N. G. Volzhina (1995-1997), A. I. Abdulnatipov (1997-2010). The founder and the first head of the Department of Biochemistry was Prof. V. A. Gvozdev (1932-1933). In different years, the head of the Department of Biochemistry were prof. F. E. Kolyada (1933-1935), prof. Belogorsky (1935-1953), prof. A.D. Sigrist (1953-1956), prof.A.V. Surikov (1956-1960), Associate Professor A. A. Eremina (1960-1966), prof. Ya.I. Veksler (1966-1989), prof. N. G. Volzhina (1989-1997). During its history, the department was united into a single Department of General and Biological Chemistry (1994), and then in 1997 it was again divided into the Department of General and Organic Chemistry and the Department of Biochemistry. In 2011, due to the reorganization of the curricula, the department was again merged into a single Department of General and Biological Chemistry.

In different years, at the department worked Associate Professors Z. A. Arslanbekova, T. V. Gubareva, E. G. Serebrennikova, A.M. Lolua, G. V. Aliyeva, A.M. Mirzametova; Assistants F. T. Sukhenko, G. N. Kislitskaya, V. I. Ryabtseva, V. D. Patrusheva, V. A. Petrov, V. V. Getseu, M. F. Barmin, L. K. Blaeva, T. P. Slyusareva, A. N. Romanov, P. S. Muratchayeva, Z. M. Magomedova, G. A. Abilova, G. V. Smirnova, B. I. Polyakina, M. A. Kasparova, N. V. Kryuchkova, V. S. Abdulpatakhova, G. M. Sardarova, N. A. Bagatyrova, senior laboratory assistants R. I. Kashuba, Z. A. Omarova, I. B. Lugueva.

During the 15 years of the department’s existence (1932-1947), the staff performed and published scientific works on balneology, aviation medicine and protein metabolism. The first dissertations completed not only at the department, but also at the Dagestan Medical Institute were: Belogorsky M. A. “Nitrogen metabolism at low barometric pressure” – doctoral dissertation; Petrov V. A.” The influence of hydrogen sulfide on the dynamics of metabolism in the human body” – candidate dissertation.

In the 60-80s, the department conducted scientific research on the study of the chemical composition and analysis of the country’s natural sources, metabolism in hypoxic states, as well as the study of metabolism in hypothermia, ethanol poisoning. Particular attention was paid to the neurohimimus of extreme conditions, metabolic relationship between the brain and spinal cord in these conditions. For the first time, the department carried out a detailed study of one of the most important components of the antioxidant protection of the body trypeptide gladuttion. Based on the original results obtained by the department’s staff during this period, more than 20 dissertations were protected, including A.V.Surikov and N.G. Volzhina – doctoral dissertations.
In the 90s, the department staff joined the branch state program on the use of perfluorane in biology and medicine, led by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor A.M. Golubev. Two PhD theses were prepared and successfully defended at the department in this scientific direction.

Staff of the Department of Biochemistry, 2008

Since 1997, the department has been headed by RANS Academician, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Honoured worker of science, M.D., Professor Nagiev Eizudin Ramazanovich. He is an editorial board member of 3 peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, a member of two Dissertation Boards, the Academic Council of the DSMA, the Central Scientific Problem Commission, the commission of the DSMA and the Ministry of Health of the RD on the implementation of scientific achievements in healthcare practice. The current department staff has the highest esteem for the history of its department, for the work of its predecessors. Over the past years, the department has grown significantly in quantitative and qualitative terms. Currently, the educational and pedagogical and research processes at the department are provided by highly qualified teaching staff.


The department is carrying out a considerable teaching and guiding work. Classes are held in the following academic disciplines: general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical and colloidal chemistry, biochemistry, toxicological chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, clinical biochemistry. Working programs, methodological guidelines, test tasks with answers for computer tests and exams, control questions for interviews after testing have been prepared for all disciplines. The department trains students of the Faculty of Pharmacy (1-5 courses), the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention (1-2 courses), the Faculty of Dentistry (1-2 courses), medical and pediatric faculties (1, 2, 6 courses). There is an internship for graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Department.

The department pays great attention to the specialization of teaching chemical disciplines in a medical university. The staff of the department has prepared and published more than 30 educational and methodological collections on all the main sections of general, organic and biological chemistry, including collections of tests for a computer exam with answer standards (approved by the AMA of the Russian Federation, Moscow).

  1. R. Nagiyev has published specialized books for students of pediatric and dental faculties “Handbook of Age-related Biochemistry” and” Biochemistry of oral cavity tissues “(approved by the AMA of the Russian Federation), as well as a Laboratory Workshop on Biochemistry.

For subordinates (6th year) of the medical and pediatric faculties, an elective course in clinical biochemistry is conducted. For this purpose, special educational and methodological manuals, a course of lectures, as well as situational tasks and exercises of the clinical direction have been created. Elective courses are also prepared in pharmaceutical chemistry, age biochemistry, biochemistry of oral tissues, general, analytical and physical colloid chemistry.
Examinations and mixed marking system tests in all chemical disciplines are conducted in the form of computer testing followed by an interview in the presence of the examination commission – employees of the department, dean’s office, AMA and the rector’s office. The professor and associate professors of the department give lectures on the faculties, conduct consultations on their classes.



Assistant M.S. Seifaddinova took 1st place in the competition of young scientists

Research priority – body bioenergetics study in extreme conditions and the search for ways of directed correction. The department has a postgraduate degree in the specialty 03.01.04 – biochemistry.
The department conducts research on the influence of various extreme factors (ionizing radiation, nitrates and nitrites, organophosphorus compounds, cold stress, gas condensate of the Caspian shelf) on the metabolism and correction of the observed disorders in order to increase the resistance of the affected organism, as well as the study of the state of biochemical life support systems of transplants in various types of transplants (auto-, homo – and heterotransplantation).

According to these scientific directions, 3 doctoral and 12 candidate dissertations were prepared under the guidance of prof. E. R. Nagiyev. The department trains highly qualified specialists-candidates and doctors of sciences not only for itself, but also for other departments of the State Medical Academy, as well as for other Universities of the Republic and the Russian Federation. For the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, Professor E. R. Nagiyev was awarded the honorary title of the Founder of the Scientific School “Directed regulation of metabolism in extreme conditions of the body”.
Over the past 5 years, the staff of the department has published more than 600 scientific and educational works, including 14 monographs, 19 books for students and doctors, 5 of which are approved by the AMA of the Russian Federation and recommended for medical universities in Russia. The works of the staff of the department are of interest not only among domestic scientists, but also abroad. Thus, the works of employees are cited in many countries of the world, including Japan, Italy, France, the USA, Germany, Sweden, the Czech Republic, etc., as evidenced by a large correspondence from these countries.
Professors and associate professors of the department have repeatedly acted as official opponents of candidate and doctoral dissertations, both in Makhachkala and in other cities of the Russian Federation.

The department has developed and implemented more than 50 rational proposals of local and industry significance. The staff of the department took part in the publication of 6 scientific collections, including the interuniversity collection: “Adaptation, compensation and restoration of functions in extreme conditions”, which summarizes the results of many years of research of the department. The staff of the department together with clinical scientists of the State Medical Academy held a visiting scientific and practical conference in the sanatorium “Kpul-yatar” (2008), dedicated to the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system with the publication of scientific papers collection  (editors Prof. Makhmudov K. G., Assoc. Mehtikhanov D. D., Prof. Nagiyev E. R., Assoc. Mehtikhanov S. D.).

Professor E.R. Nagiyev holds 59th scientific conference of students
The department hosted the international scientific conference “Biochemistry-Medicine” — the first scientific conference in the Caucasus on natural sciences, which was organized after the USSR collapse, with the publication of a collection. The conference was attended by prominent scientists from Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, the Baltic Republics, as well as Moscow, St. Petersburg and many other major cities of Russia.
Professor E. R. Nagiyev and the candidate of the department, Associate Professor A. N. Chudinov, took part in the work of the Russian-Chinese Technopark of developments “Druzhba” (Shenzhen, 2008).

The department pays great attention to excellent students, considering them to be tomorrow’s excellent students of healthcare, our pride. Periodically, Olympiads in biochemistry are held among them, they are actively involved in the work of the student scientific circle and the ERWS. The department has SSC. Members of the SSC and young scientists of the department make presentations at international, All-Russian, republican and interuniversity conferences, as a rule, take prizes and receive diplomas and diplomas. In particular, members of the SSC of the department constantly participate in the work of the final scientific conferences of the DSMA, took part in the international Pirogov scientific conference (Moscow, 2006-2011), the scientific conference “Youth Health and preservation of the labor potential of Russia” (Perm, 2010), where they were awarded Certificates of Honor and Diplomas of the 1st  degree.


SSC meeting of the Department of General and Biological Chemistry with the participation of international students

Another meeting of the student scientific circle was held at the Department of General and Biological Chemistry. This time, the participation of foreign students of the Faculty of Medicine studying at the University in English was noteworthy.

According to tradition, the meeting was opened by the curator of the circle, associate professor of the department Gamzayeva Ulzana Gamzaevna, who acquainted the participants with the agenda of the meeting in accordance with which two reports were set to be presented at the current meeting.

The report “Computerized methods of electrolysis of biomaterials for diagnostics and changes in their chemical composition” was made by a 2nd-year student of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Evgeny Kolyada. The enthusiasm and encouragement with which the speaker spoke did not leave the audience indifferent. At the end of the report, a large number of questions were asked, to which Evgeny answered quite confidently and explained that while the work is theoretical in nature, he intends to continue it in a practical aspect.

The second report “Quantitative determination of rutin in various varieties of tea” was prepared by 2nd-year students of the Faculty of Medicine Srinivasa Redi and Edima Johnson. Together with their research supervisor, assistant of the department Magomedova Zalmu Magomedovna, they performed a good practical work on determining the routine in various varieties of tea from different manufacturers. The results of the work were reported in English, which gave an incentive to our Russian-speaking students to study English and improve their language skills. The report was accompanied by a bright presentation. According to the results of the work, some recommendations were given to which of the studied varieties of tea to give preference when using. And of course, when discussing the report and the results of the work, the link between the Russian – and English-speaking audience was the favorite translator and curator of foreign students Kurbanova Raisa Gabibullayevna.

The prolonged meeting and the lively discussion of the reports, however, did not tire anyone. We are pleased with the genuine interest and participation of students in such events.

In conclusion, the head of the circle and the assistant professor of the department Gamzatov Patimat Aliyevna wished the students further creative success!