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Department of Propaedeutics of children’s diseases with a course of children’s infections



General information

Head of the Department: MD Ulukhanova Lala Ujagovna

Clinical bases:

Republican Center for Infectious Diseases (RCID)

Republican multidisciplinary Children’s Hospital.

E-mail: kafedra-43@dgmu.ru



The Department of  Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases was established  in 1972. Associate Professor E. K. Shot was elected head of the department. A year later, Associate Professor P. M. Nakhibasheva, being the head of the Department of Children’s Diseases of the medical faculty read children’s infectious diseases to students of the pediatric faculty.

A course of children’s infections was organized for the pediatric faculty in 1978. Associate professor G. M-G. Gapparov has been appointed head of the course since that time, who worked in this position until 1985.

The Department of  Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases was organized with a course of children’s infections in 1985. The head was elected Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E. K. Shot, who worked until 1996. She worked as a professor of the department  from 1997 to 1998 , after which she retires.

K. Shot led the student scientific circle (SNK) for 40 years. Students have completed and published more than 125 works under her leadership. Some of them were awarded certificates of honor at university-wide conferences. Professor E. K. Shot was awarded several times by the leadership of the Student Scientific Society of the Institute with honorary certificates.

The head of the Department of Propaedeutics of children’s diseases with a course of children’s infections has been elected Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor A.M. Idarmachev in1996.

Directly at the Department of Propaedeutics of children’s diseases, with the course of children’s infections worked teachers: assistant  Bizhanova Elena Magomedovna, assistant Magomedova Zalmu Magomedovna,  Associate Professors Taymaskhanov Gadzhimurad Sirazhutdinovich, Idarmachev Ali Magomedovich, Kurbanov Hizbula Kurbanovich, Karnaeva Nargiz Sabirovna.

Employees of the Department of Propaedeutics of children’s diseases with a course of children’s infections actively traveled to epidemic foci of infections-cholera, typhoid fever, diphtheria, dysentery, mass poisoning, etc., speak on radio, television and in the local press on various sections of infectious diseases.



The department conducts classes and lectures on children’s infections to students of the 5-6 courses of the pediatric faculty in the 1st and 2nd semesters  on the basis of the children’s multidisciplinary hospital. Classes and lectures on the propaedeutics of children’s diseases are held in the 3rd and 4th courses of the pediatric faculty, paramedic practice, nursing practice and general care are held on the same basis.



U. Ulukhanova defended her PhD thesis on the topic at the Institute of Pediatrics in Moscow: “Diagnostic criteria for early manifestations and consequences of purulent meningitis in children under complex treatment”.

Ulukhanova L. U. is the head of the course of children’s infections since 2009. She awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in 2011. She transferred to the position of Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Children’s diseases with the course of children’s infections.

Agaeva S. G. defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Clinical and laboratory characteristics of chronic hepatitis B against the background of giardiasis in children” in 2009.

Karnaeva N. S. defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Clinical and pathogenetic justification of immunocorrective therapy for purulent meningitis in children” in February 2012.

U. Ulukhanova defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Clinical and immunological characteristics of salmonellosis shigellosis in children. Optimization of therapy tactics (on the example of RD)” in Moscow, 2013. She transferred to the position of head of the department on February 7, 2018.



Considerable attention is paid to methodological work at the department. Methodological manuals on propaedeutics of children’s diseases, acute intestinal infections in children, purulent meningitis, salmonellosis, dysentery in children, emergency conditions, hepatitis in children, enterovirus infection have been developed. Methodological developments have also been prepared for students of the pediatric faculty during their practical training in children’s hospitals. Tests and situational tasks for all programs of the discipline have been compiled for state exams.

A lot of work is done by the staff of the department for pediatricians, infectious diseases specialists of the republic. All the years they have been actively involved in holding meetings of the society of pediatric doctors, infectious diseases specialists of the republic, make reports on scientific topics, participate in field bush seminars in Derbent, Khasavyurt, Buinaksk, Kizlyar, participate in seminars for resuscitators (Ulukhanova L. U.), and also participated in a seminar on enterovirus infection (Ulukhanova L. U.), on influenza and SARS, participated in the 18th republican scientific and practical conference on viral hepatitis in children.

As for the joint work with the practical health authorities, the staff of the department conduct rounds at the basic institutions, examine serious patients, participate in consultations, in the analysis of seriously ill patients, review medical histories on fatal outcomes in children, participate in conferences. The Department of Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases with a course of children’s infections from published more than 490 article  from 1967 to 2012.

Currently, the department employs employees:

  • Head of the Department, Professor  Ulukhanova Lala Ujagovna;      
  • assistant Agayeva Salihat Harunovna, 
  • assistant  Muspakhova ElviramUspakhovna,         
  • assistant Valiyeva Burliyat Imamutdinovna,
  • assistant  Gadzhimirzayeva Aslimat Gadzhimirzaevna,
  • assistant  Isaabdullayeva Patimat Abakarovna,
  • senior laboratory assistant Khartumova Maryam Magomedovna,
  • junior laboratory assistant Yunusova Madina.






Ulukhanova Lala Ujagovna

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, doctor of the highest category.

Work experience is 23 years.

1987-1994 – Saratov State Medical University


1999-2002-Postgraduate study at the Department of Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases with the course of Children’s Infections of  DSMA

Ulukhanova L.U. defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Diagnostic criteria for early manifestations and consequences of purulent meningitis in children under complex treatment” in Moscow, 2002 .

She has been working at State Medical Academy since 2002. She has been the head the course of children’s infections since 2009.

She awarded the academic title of Associate Professor  in 2011 and  transferred to the position of Professor of the Department of  Propaedeutics of Children’s diseases with a course of children’s infections in 2015.

A doctoral dissertation was defended in Moscow on the topic “Clinical and immunological characteristics of salmonellosis shigellosis in children. Optimization of therapy tactics (on the example of RD)” in 2013.

Primary specialization at the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education of the Dagestan State Medical Academy. (1999)

Advanced training in infectious diseases “Issues of infectious diseases” at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education of  DSMA (2002-2009-2014 ).

A course in pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology (Moscow, 2003).

More than 80 scientific articles have been published, scientific and methodological manuals on many topical topics have also been created. There are 8 acts of implementation in practical healthcare on drugs and laboratory diagnostics.


Kurbanov Khizbulla Kurbanovich

 Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the department, head of the educational part.  He graduated from  Dagestan State Medical University  in 1966 and  defended his PhD thesis in 1975.




Valiyeva Burliyat Imamutdinovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant of the Department, excellent student of healthcare, deputy chief physician of the Republican Clinical Hospital. She graduated from Dagestan State Medical University in 1974 and defended her PhD thesis. She has been working at the department since 2007.




  Muspakhova Elvira Muspakhovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant of the department. She graduated from Dagestan State Medical University in 2002 and defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Scientific justification of the quality of pediatric care in urban polyclinics” in 2005. She has been working at the department since 2009.



Gadzhimirzaeva Aslimat Gadzhimirzaevna

Assistant of the Department





Karnaeva Nargiz Sabirovna

She graduated from the pediatric Faculty of  Dagestan State Medical Academy in 2002.

She studied in a clinical residency at the Department of Hospital and Faculty Pediatrics of the DSMA from 2002 to 2004.

Karnaeva N.S. took advanced training courses and confirmed the certificate in the specialty “Infectious diseases” on the basis of  Infectious Diseases Department Advanced Training faculty of Dagestan State Medical Academy in 2005. She worked as an infectious diseases doctor in          Republican central infectious diseases hospital of Makhachkala from August 1, 2005 to September 01,2006 .

she began working on the dissertation “Clinical and pathogenetic justification of immunocorrective therapy for purulent meningitis in children” under the guidance of Professor Idarmachev A.M. It was defended in  at the Russian National Research Medical University  named after Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in Moscow, 2012.

She has published 3 methodological manuals for students and doctors during her work. Karnaeva N.S. is the author of 2 patents, more than 30 scientific papers.


Agaeva Salihat Garunovna

assistant of the Department

She defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Clinical and laboratory characteristics of chronic hepatitis B against the background of giardiasis in children” in 2009.



 Isalabdulaeva Patimat

Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant of the department, doctor of the highest category. She graduated from Dagestan State Medical University in 1992 and defended her PhD thesis in 2011. SHEe has been working at the department since 2009.

Maryam Magomedovna Khartumova

A senior laboratory assistant of the department. She graduated from the medical faculty of DSMU in 1987. She has been working at the department since 2003.

Madina Yunusova

A junior laboratory assistant of the Department


Everyday life of the department

Doctor of Medical Sciences Ulukhanova L. U. with students of the 6th year of the pediatric faculty.