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Department of Urology



Head of the Department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Kamil Magomedovich Arbuliev

The Department of Urology of the Institute of Additional Professional Education of DSMU was established in 1985 on the basis of a previously existing course of urology. Currently, the department is located on the basis of the Republican Urological Center. The department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, chief urologist of the Republic of Dagestan, winner of the Academician N. A. Lopatkin Prize and the State Prize of the Republic of Dagestan M. G. Arbuliyev until 2016.

G. Arbuliyev-Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, founder of the Department.


Department staff

The employees of the Department are  currently Associate Professors:: Doctor of Medical Sciences-D. A. Gazimagomedova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of Dagestan -A. G Gamzatov, Candidate of Medical Sciences S. M. Mikhailov, Candidate of Medical Sciences. N. M. Guseinov; assistants: Candidate of Medical Sciences M. G. Magomedov,  Candidate of Medical Sciences M. M. Gusniev, Candidate of Medical Sciences R. T. Savzikhanov, senior laboratory assistant-Z. M. Karimova and laboratory assistant-R. M. Batalova.


The staff of the Department in 2014








Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading surgeon of the Republican Training Center  Anvar Gasanovich Gamzatov is responsible for medical work at the department.







The head of the educational part of the Department , Associate professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences Nabi Magomedzagirovich Gusniev.     









Head of the circle, Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences S. M. Mikhailov.







Doctor of Medical Sciences, member of the Board of the Russian Society of Urologists K. M. Arbuliev took over the head of the Department in 2016.      

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department K. M. Arbuliev.









Assistants of the department, Candidates of Medical Sciences M. G. Magomedov and R. T. Savzikhanov.          




The staff of the department wrote:12 monographs, one of which was included in the Golden Fund of Russian Science and received a state award as the best educational and methodological publication in the medical industry in 2014, more than 700 scientific articles, more than 40 methodological developments; patents for 11 inventions and more than 25 innovation proposals were obtained.

Monographs published by the staff of the department.

The monograph “PYOSORPTION” is the best educational and methodological publication in the medical industry in 2014. The monograph “Varicocele” was published in 2017.

About 15 candidate dissertations and one doctoral dissertation were defended under the guidance of Professor M. G. Arbuliyev. The department regularly conducts republican and interregional scientific and practical conferences on topical issues of urology, questions for self-control are compiled, a video class is organized.

The Department of Urology is a scientific and methodological center of the urological service of the Republic of Dagestan. The Society of Urologists has been functioning for more than twenty years. Its Chairman and Secretary are making great efforts to preserve this organization at the present time. At the meetings of the society, reports on the work of heads of departments, reports of graduate students, doctoral students and practitioners on current topics of urology are heard.

The department invented a device for improving adenomectomy  in 1987, with which it is possible to easily separate the urethra from the adenomatous nodes without damaging it (patent 2145244 of 10-02-2002). At the same time, the percentage of urethral strictures in the postoperative period decreases several times. The main provisions of this invention were presented in the journal “Urology and Nephrology” (1993), in the works of the plenums of the Society of Urologists of Russia in Sverdlovsk and Kursk, at the 9th Congress of Urologists of Russia in 1997 and 2002.         

G. Arbuliyev made a report entitled “Our version of extraurethral adenomectomy” and showed a video film at the 10th Congress of urologists. The work was approved by the participants of the congress and Academician N. A. Lopatkin and was reported several times at conferences of urologists of Dagestan and implemented in urological clinics of Dagestan, Rostov-on-Don, as well as other cities of Russia. Patent No. 2268086 was also obtained for this work in 2006.

 Another serious and authoritative work of the department is the treatment of epididymitis and epididymoorchitis by the method of incisions, which allowed to reduce the number of purulent complications after surgical interventions performed on the testicle and its appendage tenfold. The work was carried out for several years.

 Its results were published in the “South-Russian Medical Journal” for 2001. This work entitled “Method of surgical treatment of acute purulent epididymitis and purulent epididymoorchitis” was submitted for an author’s certificate at the Institute of Patent Examination and received patent No. 2288642. The method of epididymotomy by the method of incisions, proposed by the department, has become widely used in urological clinics of St. Petersburg and Moscow.    

The next major work that resulted in a new scientific direction is a new method of treating pyelonephritis, for which the department received an author’s certificate No. 1598268 under the title “Method of treating pyelonephritis” in 1990.   

The main position of this work is intra-cavity laser therapy of the pelvic-cup system of the kidneys in purulent pyelonephritis and bacterio-toxic shock.

The new provisions of this work are set out in the abstracts of the reports “New in laser medicine”, Moscow, 1990; in the journal “Urology and Nephrology”, 1997; in the article “Treatment of purulent pyelonephritis” – in the journal “Urology”, 2002; in the article “Bacterio-toxic shock in acute purulent pyelonephritis” – in the journal “Medicine, science and practice”, 1997; in the article “Clotting and anti-clotting blood system in pyelonephritis” and in the materials of the works plenums of the All-Russian Society of Urologists and congresses of urologists of Russia.

The monograph “Pyelonephritis” is entirely devoted to this problem  were published in 2001. Work on this problem is being carried out comprehensively, intra-cavity laser therapy has been introduced. As a result of this combined treatment, the therapeutic effect has significantly increased. The work was published in the South Russian Medical Journal for 2004 and in several other publications under the titles “A method for treating purulent pyelonephritis”.

The relevance of acute purulent diseases of the kidneys and paranephral tissue attracts special attention and makes us continue to study this problem in depth.        

The complex of surgical treatment included sorption therapy with carbon drainage-sorbent, which significantly improved the detoxification effect by accelerating the drainage of pus from the kidney and retroperitoneal space and preventing the ingress of toxins into the blood. 

  The economic effect of such a complex treatment is estimated at 40 million rubles. The work was submitted to the Institute of Patent Examination for an author’s certificate. A positive decision was received 2006 106371/14 (006803). The noted positive effect made us consider more widely the options for efferent therapy. The accumulated work experience and its results are presented in the monograph “PIOSORPTION”, published in 2014 and received the title of the best educational and methodological publication of the year.

The National Research Council of Thailand in the field of medicine awarded a gold medal to the work “Method of treatment of acute secondary pyelonephritis”, submitted to the “International Competition of Intellectual Property, innovations and Technologies”, held in Bangkok in 2016.







Employees of the department participate in the medical work of the Republican Urological Center of the Ministry of Health of Dagestan Republic. The head of the Department and Associate Professors regularly conduct rounds in the departments of the urological center, conduct morning clinical conferences, consult serious patients. Also, employees participate in surgical operations, travel by “san aviation” to cities and district centers of the republic to provide emergency care to urological patients, consult patients in the emergency room of the RUC.         

The staff of the department combines medical and research work in the Republican Urological Center. They introduced operations on the organs of the genitourinary system – pelvic-ureteral segment plastic surgery, Boari surgery, intestinal bladder plastic surgery, urethra plastic surgery according to Rusakov, laser ablation of the prostate gland, minimally invasive treatment of kidney cysts and purulent processes of the kidneys and retroperitoneal space.

In the picture: the head of the department, K. M. Arbuliyev conducts a planned round of patients in the RUC hospital.                                                                                                                                                                                     


Performing minimally invasive operations on the kidneys for hydronephrosis and cystic diseases.



In diagnostic rooms, in the hospital and in the laboratories of  RUC, students study methods of studying urological patients, patients with urolithiasis, tumors of the genitourinary system, prostate adenoma, abnormalities of the urinary-genital system with inflammatory processes are demonstrated. Students of the 3rd, 4th courses of the Faculty of Medicine and the 5th course of the Faculty of Pediatrics are trained at the department, and for the last 8 years, cadets of the Faculty of Advanced Training of doctors are also trained.                

 Professor M. G. Arbuliev gives a lecture to 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine


 Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences S. M. Mikhailov conducts a seminar with students.           




Associate Professor of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences G. A. Gazimagomedov explains to students the principle of conducting remote shock wave lithotripsy to a patient with nephrolithiasis on the Medolit device in the operating room.                



Head of the department K. M. Arbuliyev shows students urological tools.

A student scientific circle is organized at the department. Members of the circle actively participate in medical and scientific work, make presentations at conferences of SSC, publish their works in collections of scientific papers of students and young scientists of DSMU.       


Students of the 3rd year of the medical faculty undergo industrial practice in the specialty assistant paramedic of emergency care at the Department of Urology . Students in the hospital of the Republican Urological Center, as well as in several other city urological hospitals, under the guidance of teachers and nursing staff, master the skills of providing first aid to patients in various critical situations, learn the skills of performing various medical manipulations, study the rules of asepsis-antiseptics.                   

In the picture students of the 3rd year of the medical faculty study methods of sterilization of medical instruments.










Lesson with cadets of the Institute of Additional Professional Education of DSMU. During practical classes, our cadets participate in surgical operations, participate in the analysis of complex clinical cases. We show them interactive presentations with slides on the main topics of clinical urology, show educational films.

Students-members of the urological circle in the classroom. The department has a urological circle, which is attended by students of the 4th, 5th, 6th courses of the medical and pediatric faculties. Visiting the circle allows our students to gain more in-depth knowledge of the medical specialty they are interested in.



At the Department of Urology of the IDPO DSMU, certification cycles are conducted in the specialty clinical urology, which are necessary for updating theoretical and practical knowledge, for further improving the professional knowledge and skills of urologists, and for maintaining a high modern level of training in the specialty urology. Certification is replaced by accreditation. Preparations are underway to introduce a system of accreditation of specialists from 2018. The department is also implementing a system of continuing medical education (CME). The following forms of additional professional programs are being implemented for persons with higher medical education:


At the Department of Urology of the Institute of Additional Professional Education of DSMU, certification cycles are conducted in the specialty clinical urology, which are necessary for updating theoretical and practical knowledge for further improving the professional knowledge and skills of urologists, and for maintaining a high modern level of training in the specialty urology. Certification is replaced by accreditation. Preparations are underway to introduce a system of accreditation of specialists from 2018. The department is also implementing a system of continuing medical education (CME). The following forms of additional professional programs are being implemented for persons with higher medical education:

  • professional retraining
  • advanced training


The pictures show classes with cadets of the classification improvement cycle at the department.

Elements of simulation training are being introduced at the department – this is a mandatory component in professional retraining, training of cadets of the urology cycle on lparoscopic simulators available at the department, as well as in the Simulation and Accreditation Center of DSMU has been introduced.

In the picture we can see doctors cadets of the cycle of professional retraining master the techniques of laparoscopic surgery on a simulator.

Doctors at the department, who have completed the certification cycle will have access to professional activities through the accreditation procedure.




The joint seminar of the Department of Urology of the Institute of Additional Professional Education of  DSMU and the Department of Urology and Human Reproductive Health with the course of Pediatric Urology-Andrology of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Vocational Training of Students of  Rostov State Medical University was held on the basis of the Republican Urological Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia on February 11, 2018.

Its main task was to increase the level of Dagestan urology, integration of education, exchange of experience, harmonization of urological practice. The seminar was attended by the employees of the Department of Urology of DSMU, residents of the Republican Urological Center, residents of the Department of Urology of the RMC, clinical residents, graduate students, employees of urological clinics of the city of Makhachkala.

The delegation was headed by Mikhail Iosifovich Kogan-Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology and Human Reproductive Health with a course of Pediatric Urology-Andrology of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Specialists of Rostov State Medical University, President of the Association of Urologists of the Don, Vice-President of the Russian Society of Urologists.

The seminar was held in the format of active communication with the audience and demonstration of interactive presentations. Together with the guests the staff and postgraduates of the Department of Urology of DSMU reported on the success of the research work carried out at our department and received high appreciation from their Rostov colleagues. In turn, the guests acquainted Dagestani urologists with the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment in this field of medicine and answered numerous questions from the audience.

 Dagestan Society of Urologists and the Department of Urology of the Institute of Additional Professional Education of DSMU together with the Discussion Educational Club “ASPECT” (Association of Specialists in Conservative therapy in Urology) and the assistance of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan  held a joint meeting — a scientific and practical conference, which was held in the building of the Bio-building of DSMU. The delegation was headed by the president of the association “ASPECT”, Professor of the Department of Urology of the First Moscow State Medical University Sechenov Andrey Zinovievich Vinarov.

 There were reports of the chairman of the Society of Urologists of the Republic of Dagestan, a member of the Board of the Russian Society of Urologists, head of the department Arbuliev K. M. on modeling urethral strictures in laboratory animals and the effect of cytostatic mitomycin on them and associate professor of the department Savzikhanov R. T. on the role of ureaplasma in men with andrological pathology, as well as reports of colleagues who arrived from Moscow: Vinarova A. Z., Spivak L. G., Saenko V. S., Kiyatkin V. A., Neymark B. A.


The conference was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. This event was necessary for the exchange of experience, the popularization of advanced knowledge obtained by evidence-based medicine. The gathered specialists listened with great interest to the reports of the guests and employees of the Department of Urology, took part in the discussion and exchanged experience with colleagues from the capital. This event is registered in the continuing medical education program, all participants were issued certificates and points were awarded.

10th European Congress of Andrologists in Budapest on October 11-13.