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Department of Phthisiopulmonology



General information

Head of the Department: Khanaliev Visampasha Yusupovich

  • Clinical facility: SBI RD «Republican anti-tuberculosis dispensary»
  • E-mail: pahieva@yandex.ru
  • Responsible for the website: Pakhiyeva H.Yu.


List of employees of the Department of Phthisiopulmonology of DSMA

Full name


Position held 


Academic degree

Academic title


Khanaliev Visampasha Yusupovich

Head of the  Department since 06.2016




Huseynov Huseyn Kamalovich

Professor of the Department




Mutalimov Magomed Akimovich

Associate Professor

Cand. of Med. Sc.

Associate Professor


Pakhieva Khalun-Kachar Yusupovna

Associate Professor

Cand. of Med. Sc.

Associate Professor


Abdurakhmanov Abdurakhman Magomedovich





Adziev Abdurazak Abdulabekovich


Cand. of Med. Sc.



Salmakhanov Abubakar Rahimkhanovich


 Cand. of Med. Sc.


Tagirova Patimat Isaevna



Alibutaeva Albina Magomedovna



History of the department

Teaching of phthisiology as a clinical discipline at the Dagestan Medical Institute began in 1940, first in the form of a series of lectures at the Department of Faculty Therapy. Lectures were given by Professor Ivan Dmitrievich Mishenin. The course on phthisiology opened later at this department was led by associate professor Pyotr Ivanovich Kapachev. In 1976, the course became independent, and it was led by associate professor Fatma Hasanovna Rzayeva. Having been established in 1976, the Department of Phthisiology was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Huseyn Abdulkamalovich Huseynov till 2016.

 At various times, candidates of medical sciences worked as associate professors of the Department of Phthisiology Fazil Sultanovich Aminov, Said Magomedovich Osmanov, Zulfiya Kurmansaidovna Abdulaeva, Doctor of Medical Sciences Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan Ilyas Akhmedovich Mamaev, (currently Professor, Adviser to the President of the RD on Healthcare), Candidates of Medical Sciences Dibir Yusupovich Yusupov, Abdulla Muslimovich Huseynov, Visampasha Yusupovich Khanaliev (currently Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department), Valery Nikolaevich Berezin, Magomed Magomedovich Gimbatov and Patimat Mugutdinovna Mamayeva, phthisiologist of the highest category Emma Khanovna Vada worked as assistants of the department.

 Currently, the department employs: head of the department – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.Y. Khanaliev, Professor – G.A. Huseynov, Associate Professors – Candidates of Medical Sciences Magomed Akimovich Mutalimov and Halun-Kachar Yusupovna Pakhiyeva, assistants – Candidates of Medical Sciences Abdurazak Abdulabekovich Adziev and Abubakar Rahimkhanovich Salmakhanov, phthisiographers of the highest category Patimat Isaevna Tagirova, Albina Magomedovna Alibutayeva.

The department trains students of medical, pediatric, dental and medical-preventive faculties, undergo specialization and improvement of phthisiology doctors and short-term courses of doctors in 19 specialties.

The head of the department has been elected Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor Khanaliev Visampasha Yusupovich since 2016.  He graduated from the Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1981. He had been working as the chief phthisiatrician for extrapulmonary tuberculosis of the CHIASSR from 1982 to 1984. He entered the postgraduate course of the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Moscow State Hospital of the USSR, Moscow in 1985.

He had been an assistant at the Department of Phthisiology of the DMI from 1988 to 1991.

He defended his PhD thesis in 1990. He worked as a chief physician at the interdistrict medical and diagnostic center of the Republic of Dagestan in 1992. He entered the doctoral program at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University in 1996. He defended his doctoral dissertation in 2000, he was awarded the title of “Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan” in 1999. He worked as Deputy General Director for the medical part of the Federal State University “National Medical and Surgical Center named after N. I. Pirogov” from 2001 to 2016. Under the leadership of V. Y. Khanaliev, 1 doctoral and 2 candidate dissertations were defended.


Honorary titles and State awards.

He was awarded the badge “Excellence in Healthcare” of the Ministry of Health of Russia in 2002.  He has 92 publications, including 13 educational and methodical and 79 scientific works. The applicant prepared as a supervisor 1 doctor of sciences and 2 candidates of sciences. He was awarded the Order “For Merit to the Republic of Dagestan” in 2018.

Community activity:

  1. Deputy of the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan, Chairman of the Committee on Health and Social Policy
  2. Part-time chief phthisiatrician of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan.

From 1975 to 2016 – Head of the Department Huseynov Huseyn Abdulkamalovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

  He graduated with honors from the Dagestan State Medical Institute n 1955. In 1955-57-resident of the Ritlyab district hospital and head of the district health department, in 1958-chief doctor of the Chechen-Ingush children’s tuberculosis sanatorium “Chishki”. In 1959-1972 – he was a surgeon of the bone and tuberculosis department of the Grozny Hospital for the Disabled of the Patriotic War and a freelance chief specialist of the Ministry of Health of the CHI ASSR. In 1972-1975-assistant of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and MFS of the Dagestan State Medical Institute, and since 1975-Head of the Department of Phthisiology. At the same time, from 1979 to 1984, he was the vice-rector for medical work, and from 1984 to 2000 – the vice-rector for scientific work of the DSMA.


He defended his thesis: “Surgical treatment of tuberculosis of the hip joint” in 1968, in 1974 – doctoral dissertation: “Surgical methods of restoring the support of the spine in tuberculous spondylitis”. He has been holding an appointment as a professor since 1980.

His research priority in 1963-1977 was surgical treatment of extraplemic forms of tuberculosis, mathematical and biomechanical criteria for bone-plastic operations on the spine. Since 1976 – epidemiology, epizootics and prevention of tuberculosis in Dagestan, increasing the effectiveness of treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis by local effects on the pathological process.

Author of more than 350 publications, 8 inventions and 12 books. Executive editor of six collections of scientific papers. Under the guidance of G.A. Huseynov 8 Ph.D. theses were defended.

Major works

Scientific and popular science:  1. Prevention of tuberculosis in Dagestan. Makhachkala, 1981. 64 pp. 2. Faces of modern medicine. Makhachkala. 1987, 126 pp. 3. Unpaid bills. Moscow. 1987, 64 pp. 4. Light and shadows of healing. Makhachkala, 1988. 284 pp. 5. Mathematical facets of health. Rostov-on-Don. 1992. 112 pp. 6. Medicine at the crossroads. Makhachkala. 1995. 366 pp.

Teaching-learning: 1. Guidance manual for teachers of phthisiology at the Faculty of Dentistry. Makhachkala. 1979. 44 pp.

  1. Clerk participation in the study and rehabilitation of the focus of tuberculosis infection (teaching-learning manual). Stavropol. 1987. 49 pp.  3. Lectures on phthisiology. Stavropol. 1990. 68 pp. 4. Lectures on clinical phthisiopulmonology. Makhachkala. 1995. 71 pp. 5. Phthisiology. Teaching-learning guide for students of the Faculty of Dentistry. Makhachkala. 1996. 68 pp. 6. Lectures on phthisiology. Co-author I. A. Mamaev. Makhachkala. 2000. 126 pp. 7. Phthisiology. Textbook for students of medical universities. Makhachkala, 2004. 232 pp. (reissued in 2014). 8. Participation of students of medical universities in the improvement of tuberculosis infection foci. Teaching-learning manual. Co-authors P. I. Tagirova, M. A. Mutalimov, H. Y. Pakhieva, etc. Makhachkala, 2010. 52 pp.

Journalistic: 1. Magomed-Ubri. Makhachkala. 1992. 198 pp. 2. Ubri and Ubra. Makhachkala. 2008. 290 pp. 3. Someone else’s pain. Makhachkala. 2011. 352 pp.

Community activity: 1. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the South Russian Medical Journal. 2. Member of the expert commission of the journal “Bulletin of the Dagestan Medical Academy”.  3. Chairman of the Scientific and Medical Society of Phthisiatricians of Dagestan. 4. All-Russian Society of Phthisiology Board Member, North Caucasus region supervisor. 5. Roszdravnadzor Expert.

Honorary titles and State awards.

USSR Excellent Worker of Public Health, Honored Physician of the Russian Federation and Dagestan, Honored Scientist of Dagestan, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Founder of the scientific school of phthisiology « Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis ».

 Awarded with medals: “To the 100th anniversary of V. I. Lenin”, “For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45”, “50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War”, “60 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War”, “To the Winner of the socialist competition”, “For the merits of the DSMA”, “Veteran of the Great Patriotic War”, “Veteran of labor”.

M.A. Mutalimov
Associate professor of the Department, Honored Doctor of the RD, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of 133 printed works and two inventions;






Kh-K.Y. Pakhiyeva

Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Educational Part of the Department, author of 52 publications and one invention;






A.R. Salmakhanov
assistant of the department, Candidate of medical sciences, Doctor of the highest category, author of 30 publications and one invention;






F.I. Tagirova
Assistant of the Department, Deputy Chief Physician of the Republican Antituberculosis Dispensary for medical work, Doctor of the highest category, author of 12 publications;






 A.A. Adziev
assistant of the department, candidate of medical sciences, head of the district department of the Republican Antituberculosis Dispensary, author of 56 publications and one invention; 






The main directions of scientific research of the staff of the department and practical phthisiology of Dagestan:

  • Medical and social aspects and prevention of tuberculosis in children, adolescents and women in Dagestan.
  • Local methods of influence to improve the effectiveness of treatment of patients with tuberculosis.
  • Identification of factors and risk groups for tuberculosis.

Topics of dissertations defended by employees of the department:


  • Huseynov Huseyn Abdulkamalovich.  Surgical methods of restoring the support of the spine in tuberculous spondylitis.

Khanaliev Visampasha Yusupovich. Identification, risk factors, clinical features of the main non-communicable diseases and tuberculosis in refugees and internally displaced persons in the Republic of Dagestan. 1999

Ph. D. theses:

  • Huseynov Huseyn Abdulkamalovich. Surgical treatment of tuberculosis of the hip joint. 1968
  • Mutalimov Magomed Akimovich. Exchange of oxyproline in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. 1971
  • Khanaliev V.Y. Identification of factors and risk groups for tuberculosis with the help of a computer. 1988
  • Abdulaeva Zulfiya Kurmansaidovna. Risk groups and prevention of tuberculosis in children and adolescents in new social and medical conditions. 2000
  • Pakhiyeva Halun-Kachar Yusupovna. The effectiveness of the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in adolescents with various chemotherapy regimens.  2005
  • Adziev Abdurazak Abdulabekovich. Identification, diagnosis and treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the northern border areas of the Republic of Dagestan.  2010
  • Salmakhanov Abubakar Raimkhanovich. Collapse therapy in the complex treatment of destructive pulmonary tuberculosis.

Educational and methodical materials for students and doctors.

  • Huseynov G.K., Mamaev I.A., Mutalimov M.A. et al. Tuberculous meningitis. Educational and methodical manual for students. 2001
  • Huseynov G.K., Mamaev I.A., Osmanov S.M., Mutalimov M.A. et al. Tuberculin and its application. Educational and methodical manual for doctors and students.  2002
  • Huseynov G.K.   Textbook for medical students. 2004
  • Huseynov G.K., Mamaev I.A., Osmanov S.M., Mutalimov M.A. et al. To the question of the role and importance of pathogenetic therapy in the clinic of pulmonary tuberculosis and the method of its application. Methodical manual for doctors-phthisiologists, pulmonologists and students. 2004
  • Huseynov G.K., Mamaev I.A., Pakhieva H.Yu., Mutalimov M.A., Adziev A.A., etc. Complex treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in adolescents. Methodical recommendations. 2004
  • Mutalimova R.M., Huseynov G.K., Mamaev I.A., Mutalimov M.A., Aminov F.S. et al. Tuberculous pleurisy. Methodical manual for doctors-phthisiologists, pulmonologists, pediatricians, therapists, students.  2004
  • Huseynov G.K., Mutalimov M.A., Pakhiyeva H.Y. et al. Method of treatment of exudative pleurisy. Patent for invention No. 2357728. Priority of the invention dated June 10, 2009
  • Huseynov G.K., Tagirova P.I. et al. Participation of medical students in the rehabilitation of foci of tuberculosis infection. Educational and methodical manual. 2009
  • Salmakhanov A.R. Collapse therapy in the complex treatment of destructive pulmonary tuberculosis. 2009
  • Huseynov G.K., Tagirova P.I., Mutalimov M.A., Pakhieva H.Yu., Abdulaeva Z.K., Salmakhanov A.R. Participation of medical students in the rehabilitation of foci of tuberculosis infection (educational and methodical manual). 2010
  • Huseynov G.K., Mamaev I.A., Khanaliev V.Yu., Huseynov A.-K.G., Mutalimov M.A. Tuberculosis and motherhood (educational and methodical manual). 2010
  • Huseynov G.K., Khanaliev V.Yu., Mamaev I.A., Huseynov A.-K.G. , Mutalimov M.A. et al. Local impact on the pathological process in the complex treatment of destructive and drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis (educational and methodological manual). 2016
  • Huseynov G.K., Khanaliev V.Yu., Mutalimov M.A., Pakhieva H.Yu. and others Phthisiology. Textbook for 4th year students of the Faculty of Dentistry. 2018
  • Mutalimov M.A., Huseynov G.K., Khanaliev V.Yu., Pakhieva H.Yu., Mutalimova B.M. Tuberculous pleurisy: pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis and treatment. Textbook for phthisiologists, pulmonologists, oncologists, pediatricians, therapists, family doctors. 2018.