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Foreign students of  DSMU visited the National Museum named after A. Tahoe-Godi



On Friday, December 10, students of the preparatory department for foreign citizens of DSMU from Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Syria, Zambia, Yemen and Palestine visited the National Museum named after A. Taho-Godi.

The excursion for foreign students of Dagestan universities was organized by the Ministry of National Policy and Religious Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan. The museum is located in a famous historical building, one of the most beautiful in Makhachkala.

The guide introduced foreign students to the history of Dagestan in chronology from the Stone Age to the present day. It should be noted that the consolidated funds of the museum association contain over 170 thousand exhibits, including paintings and sculptures, decorative and applied arts, an ethnographic collection, ancient manuscripts, artifacts from archaeological excavations, a collection of cold and firearms, jewelry collections.

The students were particularly interested in items of national clothing, jewelry, a collection of weapons and samples of flora and fauna, as well as instruments of the Russian surgeon Nikolai Pirogov. Students enthusiastically discussed what they saw and compared the culture and history of our republic and their native countries. They photographed the exhibits of the museum, communicated with students of other universities and expressed their desire to make such joint events a tradition.