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Gold medals of DSMU at the XV anniversary International Biotechnology Forum “RosBioTech-2022”



The anniversary XV International Biotechnology Forum “RosBioTech” was successfully held at the Congress Center of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. RosBioTech is traditionally a platform for expert dialogue and the development of international cooperation between leading scientists, manufacturers  and young researchers. It’s  dedicated to discussing topical issues of innovative development in the field of medical, food and agro-industrial biotechnologies.

Four international conferences were held at the Forum: the V International Conference “Functional food products: scientific foundations of development, Production and Consumption”; the International Conference “Promising approaches and technologies in biomedicine and clinical practice”; the International Conference “Environmental safety in the modern world. Biotechnologies and rational use of natural resources”; International Conference “Russian-Chinese scientific, technical, trade and industrial Cooperation

The key topic of the biotechnological forum: “Innovative biotechnologies in medicine, industry and agriculture. International scientific and technical cooperation as a basis for sustainable economic development”.

Over the fifteen-year period, the forum brought together scientists and specialists from more than 100 countries around the world. The RosBioTech anniversary forum was attended by speakers from China, Mongolia, Belarus, India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Syria, Vietnam, etc.

A competition of innovative developments and projects in the field of biotechnology was held within the framework of the forum. Dagestan State Medical University presented 2 patented developments, which were highly appreciated by experts and awarded gold medals and honorary diplomas:

“Device for fixing and protecting the bones of the external nose” patent No. 2690409, authors: head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry Medzhid Medzhidov, dentist Marat Yunusov, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery with the improvement of doctors Sanera Minkailova.

“A method for diagnosing delayed bladder defects in maternity women after cesarean section surgery” patent No. 2762206, authors: Associate Professor of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the FAT with a course of reproductive endoscopy Dzhaminat Medzhidova, assistant of the Department of radiology and radiotherapy, radiologist, head Doctor of the Center of radiation diagnostics Aishat Karaeva, Professor of the Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of  Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M.F.Vladimirsky Efim Shifman.

We congratulate our scientists and wish them further creative success!

Department of Intellectual Property of DSMU