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The next meeting of the dissertation Council was held at DSMU



The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held on 22th of September in the meeting room of the Academic Council in the administrative building of  DSMU.

The meeting worked on the following agenda:

Public defense of the dissertation by Margarita Tebueva on the topic: “Features of clinical and morphological assessment of atrophic gastritis using the modified Kimura-Takemoto endoscopic classification”, submitted for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialty 3.1.18 – Internal diseases. Scientific supervisor , MD  M.S. Kotelevets.

The leading organization is Kazan State Medical Academy which is a branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education Ministry of Health of Russia.

Official opponents: Professor  Tkachev A.V., Professor  Sablin O.A.

Then DS commission was elected for preliminary consideration of the thesis of Laura Vladimirovna Albotova on the topic: “The relationship between the level of plasma cystatin C and the development of renal dysfunction in elderly patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic disorders”, submitted for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialty 3.1.18 – Internal diseases.

Scientific supervisor  is Professor  Agranovich N.V.

Further, the current issues of the dissertation council were discussed at the meeting.