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The event within the framework of the All–Russian campaign “Week of Science: oncology – problems and prospects” was held at DSMU



   A meeting of the Student Scientific Circle (SSC) “Physioland” was held in the lecture hall of the morphological building of DSMU on November 12,2022  as part of the World Science Day (from November 7 to 13, 2022) in honor of the All-Russian action “Science Week: Oncology – problems and prospects”.                                            

   The event was organized by the Council of Students of Medical and Pharmaceutical Organizations of Higher Education and Science with the support of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of  Health Ministry of the Russian Federation and the Federal Center for Support of Volunteerism and Mentoring in the Field of Health Protection of  Health Ministry of the Russian Federation.         

   The organizers of the event from the SSC of normal Physiology “PhysioLand” were the head of the Department of Normal Physiology ,MD, Professor Razin Ragimov, the head of the SSC, Associate professor of the Department of Normal Physiology, director of Scientific and Educational Center of DSMU Naida Abdullayeva and the activist of the SSC, a 5th year student of the Faculty of Medicine Aykhanat Gajiyeva.

    The lecture hall was full of members of  participants of different circles: students of medical, pediatric and dental faculties. The reports presented were interesting and exciting and the invited guests attracted attention. In addition, there was an online broadcast and participants from medical universities of Russia, Uzbekistan, as well as colleagues from other CIS countries joined the conference in this format.

    The event was opened by Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology of DSMU Razin Ragimov.

    MD, Professor, Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Medical Psychology and Narcology of DSMU Naida Mollayeva addressed with a welcoming speech. 


   The honor guest of the event was MD, Professor, psychiatrist of the highest category Rector of Altai State Medical University Irina Sheremetyeva  who noted the special importance of the seminar, spoke about the psychological aspects of managing cancer patients.

    Then  MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Oncology  Saigid Aliyev , PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of DSMU Aliiskender Alkadarsky  noted current problems and issues in the field of oncology, outlined possible ways to solve them, as well as PhD, Head of the Department of Medical Biology, Professor Abdurakhman Magomedov expressed hope that cancer diseases will be able to be treated more successfully in the near future.           

    Among the guests of the event were: Professor of the Department of Pathological Anatomy Magomed Magomedov ; MD, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Head of the gynecological department of MC “Femili”, Honored Doctor of  Dagestan  Naida Suleymanova, ; Hasan Alkhasov – urologist, Director of Dagestan Center of Thoracic Surgery  “; hematologist of the highest category, Honored doctor of  Dagestan, chief hematologist of Makhachkala  Louise Bigaeva ; Head of department of mammology of Republican Cancer Center “; Patimat Abdusalamova – oncologist of Republican Cancer Center ,founder of the volunteer movement “Stop cancer”, etc.

  The  first speaker with a report “Biology of the tumor. Just about the complicated” was a 5th-year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics Gasan Murachuev.” The audience learned what a tumor is, why it is so dangerous and  how metastasis occurs and much more.

   Then a member of the SSC “Physioland”, a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Medicine Yahya Shamov made a report “Find and neutralize”. He talked about how cancer is diagnosed, what factors influence its occurrence and development, as well as about the latest technologies used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

   The lecture hall was completed by the organizer of the event, a 5th-year student of the Faculty of Medicine, a member of the SSC “Physioland” Aykhanat Gajiyeva with a touching report “Good children do not cry: the Dutch saga of leukemia”. The whole audience listened to her with all their ears.

  At the end of the speeches, Naida Suleymanova expressed her gratitude, urged future doctors to love their profession and those whom you treat. In general, the event was held in a warm, sincere atmosphere.

        The meeting ended with an exciting quiz, which allowed the audience to escape from the daily routine and demonstrate their horizons and erudition. A certificate for dinner at the restaurant “Ottoman Palace” was contested  . The game was prepared by a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Medicine Shamil Davydov and consisted of two stages. The questions were from a variety of fields: history, philosophy, cinema, etc.  Ten people who fought long and hard for victory passed the final stage. As a result, the 3rd year student Salikhat Dibraeva became the winner.