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Students of DSMU presented 2 projects at the final of the competition “Moscow Youth Start – 2022”



Within the framework of the XVII All–Russian Science Festival “Science 0+”, the final of the Moscow Youth Start – 2022 competition was held on the basis of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia  under the program “SMART Guy” and aimed at supporting commercially oriented scientific and technical projects of young scientists, students, researchers from 18 to 30 years old. It was taking place from the 7th till 8th of December ,2022.

The competition was held on 7 issues:

“Digital technologies”, “Medicine and health-saving technologies”, “New materials and chemical technologies”, “New devices and intelligent manufacturing technologies”, “Biotechnologies”, “Resource-saving energy”

15 projects were passed to the final in the direction of “H2 – Medicine and health-saving technologies”, two of which were presented by students of DSMU.

A 4th year student of the Faculty of Medicine  Aida Yuzbekova   – “Development of antibacterial urethral catheters for the prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections”.

A 3rd year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics Abidat Mustafayeva – “Development of innovative children’s dosage form – chewing lozenges based on Melissa officinalis and  Blue Cyanosis “.

The projects of the participants were evaluated by experts in each of the areas – heads of specialized innovative enterprises and representatives of development institutions. Following the results of the voting, the protocol with the rating of the average score of the finalists was sent to the Innovation Promotion Fund.

The expert commission of the final of the competition also included an employee of Dagestan State Medical University – PhD, Associate Professor, director of the REC “Center for Advanced Development of Medicine and Technological Initiatives of  Dagestan  State Medical University”, a Federal expert on the quality of vocational education Naida Abdullaeva. The winners of the competition will be determined in the spring of 2023.