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A meeting on the prevention of extremism and terrorism with foreign students was held at DSMU



    A meeting on the issue: “Prevention of extremism and terrorism” with foreign students from Central Asian countries – Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan studying at Dagestan State Medical University was held on November 15, 2022. A lecture dedicated to the prevention of extremism among students was organized in the hostel of foreign citizens No. 4/5.

   The meeting was attended by Advisor of the Rector Magomed Gimbatov, Assistant of the Rector for Security Alisultan Efendiev, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Tagir Abakarov, Head of the Department of International Relations Sazhida Khajalieva, employee of the Center for Countering Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Dagestan Republic Sefikhan Aslanov, Inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan Murad Gereev.

   During the conversation, the topics of administrative and criminal responsibility for crimes and offenses of terrorist and extremist orientation, including the distribution of extremist content on the web, were touched upon. Law enforcement officers gave specific examples from personal practice.

  During the meeting with the students, the speakers paid special attention to the legal foundations of the fight against terrorism and extremism, revealed and explained the basic concepts of crimes and offenses related to terrorist and extremist activities, gave examples of offenses and crimes.

    They warned about the need to be careful in their statements, especially at forums, youth festivals, seminars on the Internet, called for respect for people, including of another nationality, another religion, social status.

      They talked about the preventive work carried out by police officers and other law enforcement agencies, elaborated on the algorithm of actions when detecting suspicious objects and meeting strangers. These preventive measures in the educational environment are currently very relevant. This form of interaction with students is practiced on an ongoing basis and has positive results.

     At the end of the meeting, the audience asked interesting questions about the prevention of extremist manifestations in the student environment.