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A memorial evening dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the People’s poetess of Dagestan  Fazu Gamzatovna Alieva was held at the DSMU



A memorial evening was held in the scientific library dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the great personality, prose writer, people’s poetess of Dagestan Fazu Gamzatovna Alieva.

The director of the library Venera Musaeva made a welcoming speech on behalf of the acting rector Visampasha Khanaliev.

In her speech , she noted: “Fazu Aliyeva was a patriot of her era, remained for Dagestanis a mountain woman, a mother and a citizen of the Fatherland, she was a trembling and sensitive soul of her homeland.

At the same time, she was a statesman and a public figure, a wise and brave woman, a leader of the women of Dagestan. Fazu Gamzatovna has always been with her people, she was a recognized authority in Dagestan.”

Guests of the event were : Honored Worker of Culture of Dagestan, Laureate of the prize named after Rasula Gamzatova, poet, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, editor of the magazine  “Literary Dagestan” in Avar Tubhat Zurgalova  and journalist, honorary worker of Education of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Writers of the Caucasus Shamai Kazanbieva  shared their memories of the poetess.

They noted in their speech that today Dagestani literature cannot be imagined without the name of Fazu Gamzatovna Alieva. Her work has influenced several generations of readers to one degree or another. The history of the spirit and customs of the peoples were reflected in the work of  Fazu Aliyeva and the works created by her greatly influenced our national identity.

Among the invited guests was the granddaughter of the poet with the same name – Fazu. Touching and warm were her memories of Fazu Gamzatovna in the circle of relatives and close people. She thanked for the event and the memory of her: “What could be better than this happiness when the poet is not forgotten?  Fazu will always live in our hearts.”

This evening, the poems of  Fazu Aliyeva were translated by the students of the preparatory department into their native languages: Arabic, English, Portuguese, Yoruba, Farsi and Shona.

The head of the preparatory department, assistant of the Department of Russian Language Sakinat Alkadarskaya prepared foreign students to the evening.

A student of the medical faculty, activists of the cultural center Zayginat Buchaeva and Jamila Abdulmalikova read the poems of  Fazu Alieva very soulfully.

The library staff prepared and demonstrated a video presentation about the poet’s work, as well as a book exhibition with her works.