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A Rector of DSMU held a series of working meetings
On Monday, 4 December, Rector of Dagestan State Medical University Visampasha Khanaliev held a series of working meetings. The first meeting was held with the participation of vice-rectors and rector’s advisers. The second meeting was attended by representatives of financial and contractual services. A meeting with representatives of the Department for Work with Students was devoted to the organisation of upcoming events. Another meeting was held with the participation of vice-rectors, deans and their assistants, heads of all structural units of the university.
At the meetings V. Khanaliev outlined the direction of the university’s work for the next year, gave some recommendations on the organisation of the work of individual structural units and instructions to responsible persons.
The work of vice-rectors and deans was also discussed. It was noted that they should spend most of their time at the main place of work, which is the rectorate and dean’s offices.
At the end of the meetings Visampasha Khanaliev thanked the staff for their active work and noted that there is more work to be done for the benefit of the development of health care and medical education in the Republic of Dagestan.