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A solemn event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of DSMU



   A solemn event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Dagestan State Medical University was held in the House of Friendship on November 11, 2022.     

  Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of  Health Ministry  of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Letnikova, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan Murad Kaziev, Deputy Chairman of the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan Kamil Davdiev, Acting Rector of   Dagestan State Medical University Visampasha Khanaliev, heads of republican ministries and departments, representatives of medical universities of  Dagestan Republic and regions of the Russian Federation, chief doctors of republican institutions of healthcare, staff and students of DSMU and many others took part in it.

 Before the start of the event, a film about the history and present of DSMU was presented to the audience.

 Then there was a video greeting from the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko. In the Minister’s congratulation, in particular, said: “The way the University has passed is the formation of scientific schools known far beyond the borders of Russia, the training of doctors of various specialties in demand in the practical healthcare of the country, who are able professionally to solve the problems of preserving the health of citizens.

 Then there was a video greeting from the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko. The Minister’s congratulation, in particular, said: “The way the University has passed is the formation of scientific schools known far beyond the borders of Russia, the training of doctors of various specialties in demand in the practical healthcare of the country, who are able to solve the problems of preserving the health of citizens.

  Intellectual potential, the results of a huge work aimed at preserving and multiplying glorious traditions, allow your university to be rightfully considered one of the best not only in the North Caucasus Federal District, but also among medical universities of the Russian Federation.

  The glorious history of Dagestan State Medical University is rich in numerous achievements, which became possible thanks to the boundless work of excellent clinicians, talented scientists, wonderful teachers, known not only in Russia but also abroad. The international recognition of Dagestan State Medical University is evidenced by the huge demand from foreign countries for higher education in it. Students have every reason to be proud of their Alma Mater, which has a rich pedigree and has a modern scientific and technical base. Scientists of the university sacredly honor and continue the traditions laid down by their predecessors in those early 30s, whose names have become the pride of Russian medicine.

   Our graduates have been saving the lives and health of not only Dagestanis, but also residents of most regions of the country, conducting scientific and research activities, introducing new methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment into practice, leading large medical and research centers in Russia and foreign countries for many decades.

    Currently, the efforts of a large team of the medical university are aimed at the development and modernization of the university, turning it into a major scientific and innovative educational center. The University does everything possible to ensure that students receive a high-quality professional education, so that their life is active full of bright events.

   Today, the university is forming its new image as a university of the XXI century. The positive changes that are taking place at the university allow us to state that, despite certain difficulties, the team, taking into account the long history, continuity of traditions of scientific schools and the results of achieving a certain level of innovation in education and science, confidently looks to the future and occupies a worthy place among the leading universities of the Russian Federation.

  It is safe to say that current students successfully continue the glorious traditions of Dagestan State Medical University and future students will multiply its achievements, which will undoubtedly affect the quality of higher medical education in Russia and will be confirmed by new talented scientific developments.

  I wish to bring up more than one galaxy of highly qualified doctors and scientists who will contribute to the progress of medicine with their work, return health and the joy of a full life to our people. I am convinced that the staff and students of Dagestan State Medical University will continue to solve successfully the tasks facing it, work effectively for the benefit of the republic and the whole of Russia.

   I wish the entire staff of Dagestan State Medical University good, happiness, well-being, success in educational and scientific activities!”.

  Lyudmila Letnikova made a welcoming speech and congratulations at the event: “I want to bow once again to the teachers who laid the traditions in education, science for which Dagestan Medical University is famous. I would like to address the students, our future colleagues: you are lucky as you are studying at a renowned university, where there are traditions not only in education, but also in culture and science. I would like you to develop and become our worthy colleagues. And the highest assessment of your knowledge will be that your teachers will turn to you for medical help. I wish you success and prosperity to the university.”

   On behalf of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan and the government of the region, the staff and students were congratulated by Murad Kaziev. “The anniversary of Dagestan State Medical University is an important event for our region, because the university grew and developed together with Dagestan, trained highly professional personnel for medical institutions not only in our republic, but also throughout the country. This anniversary date is a great occasion to say sincere words of gratitude to a special one, one of the best institutions of higher education in the republic, where the efforts of the team are aimed at achieving the most good goal – strengthening and preserving people’s health.

  “The path passed by the University is the formation of scientific schools known far beyond the borders of Russia, the training of doctors of various specialties in demand in the practical healthcare of the country, who are able to solve the problems of preserving the health of citizens.

  A special pride of the University is the scientific and pedagogical staff. The main thing that characterizes all employees of the university is loyalty to the principles of humanism, high professionalism and citizenship. Today, the University, preserving the best traditions of Russian medical education and using innovations in educational and scientific activities, rightfully occupies a worthy place among medical universities. I am sure that the University is able to multiply its achievements with sufficient potential.

    Many of your students are serving with dignity as military doctors in various regions of the Russian Federation, including performing official tasks in extreme conditions.

  I sincerely congratulate you on this significant date! I wish you, dear colleagues, health, creative success and new achievements for the benefit of domestic healthcare and Russian medical science!”, – said Murad Kaziyev.

        Deputy Chairman of the People’s Assembly of Dagestan Republic  Kamil Davdiev, Council Chairman of Rectors of Universities of  Dagestan Republic, Rector of  Dagestan State Medical University Murtazali Rabadanov, Director of the Medical Institute of  Chechen University Khizir Batayev also spoke during the solemn event.

     The acting rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev spoke with words of gratitude to all the guests, staff and students of the university. “I want to thank every guest, representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the government and the parliament of the region for taking the time and coming to share with us an important event – the 90th anniversary of the founding of  DSMU.

   I am sure that the close attention and support provided to us by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Albertovich Murashko and the Head of the Republic of Dagestan Sergey Alimovich Melikov will contribute to the further development of the university and improve the quality of training for practical healthcare in the region and the country.

   Today, DSMU is one of the largest and most authoritative universities in our country.  There are years of hard work of employees, scientific and creative search of teachers, successful practical activities of graduates behind it.

    I am sure that the university staff, having preserved its best traditions, will continue to train highly qualified specialists for the healthcare sector!

    I congratulate all of us on the anniversary and thank you for the fruitful joint work. I wish you a new creative achievements and the realization of the most daring ideas! Health, happiness and well-being! Let Dagestan State Medical University live, develop and prosper!”, – said the acting rector.

     During the event, the ceremony of awards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, state awards of the Republic of Dagestan and awards from the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan to distinguished employees of Dagestan State Medical University was also held.

      During the musical program, songs and dances from the stars of the Dagestan pop and the state academic honored dance ensemble “Lezginka” were performed for the guests of the celebration. The event ended with the song “Forward, Russia” performed by a student of DSMU Daniel Shakhbanov.