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A training session on video shooting and editing for specialists of the Youth Media Center Sector and student associations was held at DSMU
The day before, from September 19 to 21, in the conference hall of the Administrative Building of Dagestan State Medical University, a training session on video shooting and editing was held for student associations, organized by specialists of the Youth Media Center Sector.
Rabadan Omarov, a well-known blogger, Reels-maker and creator of the author’s course on editing was invited as a speaker. He told the participants about the best editing applications, shooting rules and tricks that literally transform the video and make it interesting to watch. At the same time, the invited expert answered the incoming questions.
So, when asked about how the viewer’s attention can be caught in the video from the first seconds, the video maker said: «There must be dynamics make it interesting to watch. For what? So that the viewer has a desire to watch further, to find out what will happen at the end. It is important to understand: it is better to shoot diverse shots — first a general plan, a large one, then a detailed one, bringing it closer to the object, and alternating them. » In addition, the shooting specialist sorted out the mistakes that the guys made when editing past videos. And also clearly demonstrated how to make a montage and create an exciting video using the example of a video of a conference held at a university.
Each meeting was organized and held in the format of a lively conversation. All the guys enjoyed the training incredibly, many described their delight, admiration and also shared the idea that they had learned new chips for themselves and would try to implement them in the future.
On behalf of the rector of Dagestan State Medical University, V.Y. Khanaliev, they presented gratitude to Rabadan Omarov and certificates all the guys who took part in the training .
Finally, we took a shared photo with the speaker as a keepsake.