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“Abusuev readings” were held at DSMU
On December 22, the IX Republican Scientific and Practical conference “Abusuev readings” was held in Makhachkala. The conference was attended by teachers and students of DSMU in online and offline modes. At the opening of the conference, Acting Vice-Rector for Science Naida Mollayeva made a welcoming speech on behalf of the Acting Rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev. On behalf of the Minister of Health, Deputy Minister Raisa Shakhsinova greeted the participants of the event. In the foyer of the conference hall, a presentation of printed publications of the S.A. Abusuev Research Institute of Environmental Medicine and the Department of Endocrinology of DSMU was organized.
The following reports of the participants were heard during the meeting:
Elena Biryukova (Professor of the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology of Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimov, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow): “Personalized approach to the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: from clinical research to clinical practice”.
Rasul Ataev (Director of the S.A. Abusuev Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the State Medical University): “COVID-19 and diabetes mellitus”;
Aligaji Abdullayev (Head of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Cardiology and General Medical Practice of Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists of DSMU): “Treatment of chronic heart failure with low ejection fraction”;
Ainaz Karaeva (Associate Professor of the Department of Endocrinology of Dagestan State Medical University, Chief freelance nutritionist of the Ministry of Health of Dagestan): “Obesity: Where? What? When?”;
Aida Abusueva (Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases named after academician G.P. Rudnev DSMU),
Z. Abusueva, B. Abusueva, A. Abusuev. “Influenza and SARS: the current state of the problem”.
Acting Vice-Rector for Science Aida Mollayeva focused on the main results of the activities of Professor S.A. Abusuev. the founder of the endocrinological service in Dagestan and the endocrinological school at DSMU.Vice-president of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists, Professor Sagadulla Abdullatipovich Abusuev was born on December 22, 1939. Scientific and practical conferences “Environmental Endocrinology” have been held annually since 2012. This year, by the decision of the DSMU Rector’s office, the conference was renamed “Abusuev Readings”. It is planned to hold it in a multidisciplinary format.
The reports heard at the meeting revealed various aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Rasul Atayev’s report highlighted the specifics of the treatment of diabetes mellitus against the background of a new coronavirus infection, as well as the impact of diabetes mellitus on the course of COVID-19. Of particular interest was the discussion by the speaker Ainaz Karaeva of modern problems of detection and prevention of obesity.
The report of Aligaji Abdullayev was devoted to the tactics of treatment of chronic heart failure. Aida Abusueva’s speech was devoted to the differential diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infection.
All the reports aroused considerable interest of the audience, listeners asked the speakers questions, which would have been even more if not for the time limit. The meeting was moderated by head of the Department of Endocrinology Kamal Kamalov and director of the S.A. Abusuev Research Institute of Environmental Medicine Rasul Atayev.
The final stage of the conference dedicated to the birthday of S.A. Abusuev included 6 speeches. Professor Aligaji Abdullayev spoke about the joint work with S.A. Abusuev and supported the idea of holding future conferences “Abusuev readings”, Professor Yunuskadi Jamaludinov shared memories of S.A. Abusuev, Professor Abdurakhman Magomedov spoke about S.A. Abusuev’s contribution to the organization of healthcare, higher medical education, Professor Magomed Akhmadudinov presented a report on the role of S.A. Abusuev’s activities in the formation of endocrinological service in Dagestan.
In the speech, Zukhra Abusuevna (Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical Faculty), Burliyat Abusueva (Head of the Department of Neurology, Medical Genetics and Neurosurgery) shared interesting data about the biography of S.A. Abusueva.
Based on the results of the IX scientific and practical conference “Abusuev Readings”, it is planned to publish a collection, which will be published tentatively at the end of December 2021. The conference materials will be placed in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index.