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Acting Rector of DSMU met with the winning students of the All–Russian Interuniversity Olympiad on the technique of endosurgical operations 



On Monday, December 12, Acting Rector of Dagestan State Medical University Visampasha Khanaliev met with students of the All–Russian Interuniversity Olympiad in the technique of endosurgical operations, which was held by Russian Scientific Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov on December 3, 2022.

The meeting was also attended by Acting Vice-Rector for Medical Work Magomed Khamidov, Head of the Department of Operative Surgery with Topographic Anatomy Magomed Akhmadudinov, Head of the Federal Accreditation Center of DSMU Rasul Koichuev, Associate Professor of the Department of Operative Surgery with Topographic Anatomy Ilyas Kiblaev.

Opening the meeting, the Acting Rector noted that he was proud that the students of Dagestan State Medical University had become the best in Russia. “Your successes prove to us that all the work carried out is not in vain, that we are moving in the right direction. I would like to note that we will continue to equip the Federal Accreditation Center and departments with the equipment necessary for practical training of students. I am sure that your success is not the last, and there are many more similar events ahead of us. I congratulate you on becoming the winners of such a large–scale Olympiad and wish you further success,” said V. Khanaliev.

Then the students and their supervisors told about how they were preparing for the Olympiad, how it was held and expressed their wishes and suggestions for improving the work on practical training of university students.

Khanaliev assured them that all proposals will be taken into account.

The event ended with a keepsake photo.