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Acting Rector of DSMU took part in a video conference with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia




Video conference on the implementation of the competition for grants in the form of subsidies from the federal budget to higher education institutions  of the Russian Federation for the implementation of activities aimed at supporting student scientific communities was held under the chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Grigory Gurov on Friday, February 11. Representatives of Dagestan State Medical University, headed by Acting Rector Visampasha Khanaliev also took part in the meeting.

An application for participation in the competition from January 25 to February 25, 2022 will be submitted by all Russian universities where a student scientific society (SSS) has been formed. Within the framework of the competition, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will distribute 100 million rubles in the form of grants. At the same time, the team applying for the maximum grant must provide for at least one event with international participation in its program, whereas it is possible to limit itself to a regional agenda within the framework of a grant for 1 million rubles.

In total, it is planned to support more than 30 student collectives, each of which , will receive a grant of 1, 3 or 5 million rubles depending on the experience and plans in the development of student science. During the meeting, G. Gurov elaborated on the issues of preparing applications for participation in the competition, told about what the grant funds could be used for and much more. In addition, the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation answered the questions of the meeting participants.