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Acting Rector of DSMU VisampashaKhanaliev congratulated the call center operators on the Day of Russian Students




The Day of Russian Students is celebrated in our country on January 25. On this day, the acting rector of DSMU VisampashaKhanalievtogether with the Acting Vice-rector for Public Relations and Social and Educational Work Elmira Abiyevacongratulated the students working as call center operators on the new coronavirus infection on the holiday.

Khanaliyev noted that students are an intellectual and human resource of the republic and the country. “You unite the most purposeful, talented, ambitious, creative representatives of youth in your ranks. And medical studentsespecially in the realities of the current COVID-19 pandemic are the most progressive part of the student body. We are proud of each of you for your contribution to the fight against the spread of the new coronavirus infection. During their personal and vacation time, many of our students helped and continue to help practical healthcare at vaccination points, work as call center operators, consult and redirect patients.

From the very beginning of the pandemic, our students have proved themselves by working in the “red” and “green” zones of hospitals, as volunteers in various projects aimed at improving the quality of life of sick people and people in self-isolation.

I wish you success in your studies, self-confidence and inexhaustible optimism! Let the student years give you only happy days, help you find real friends and realize your dreams!”, – said the acting rector.

The head of   DSMU Volunteer Center AsiyatAbakarova, on behalf of all students and volunteers, thanked the management for their attention.

Then V. Khanaliev and E. Abieva talked with the students, answered their questions.

The meeting ended with a shared photo for memory.