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Activists continue to hold information campaigns within the framework of the “PRO-Vaccine” project.




On December 14 and 16, activists of the Student Sector of the United Trade Union Committee of DSMU launched a number of information campaigns aimed at educating on vaccination issues. The target audience is first-year students of Dagestan State Medical University, as there are many first-year students who have not yet reached adulthood. Young people will have a choice in the future : to get vaccinated or not. Activists told students about the importance of vaccination and the side effects after vaccination, which should not be feared during and after vaccination. Senior students also explained that by refusing vaccination, people risk their health and the health of their loved ones.

Professor of the Department of Biophysics, Computer Science and Medical Equipment Magomed Rizakhanov also took an active part in the conversation, who reminded the students that the management and teaching staff of the university had been vaccinated to protect themselves and students.

During the action, activists distributed leaflets with detailed information about the vaccine taken from official sources. The activists also answered the questions of interested students, told in detail about the advantages of vaccination and its contraindications and said that if you want to be vaccinated against influenza or coronavirus infection, we have permanent vaccination points at the university, located in the Men’s dormitory No. 3 and in the administrative building of the university on the main square of Makhachkala. “Creating collective immunity and a conscious attitude to one’s health will help stop the spread of COVID-19,” the activists concluded the lecture with these words. We remind you that the activists of the Trade Union Committee regularly hold actions aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people and the older generation.