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Activists of DSMU Student Tutoring discussed plans for the upcoming academic year



A meeting of Student Tutoring activists was held in the Academic Council Hall on September 9, 2022 to discuss the accumulated issues and plans for the upcoming academic year. 

The event was attended by Acting Vice-Rector for public relations and social, educational work Elmira Abieva, advisor of  the rector Isaac Irbaykhanov, Head of the Department for work with students Imanali Mustafayev, as well as deputy deans of the first courses.

Many first-year students, having got into a new educational institution for them, initially experience difficulties in adapting both morally and in terms of moving around buildings and offices. For this reason, the participants examined the options for solving this issue at the meeting.

Then, the rules of the ethical code of students were discussed in the format of an open conversation.  At the end of the meeting, the tutors’ work plan for the next semester was outlined.