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Activists of the Trade Union Committee held a lecture for school children on the topic “Pneumonia and how it is related to Covid-19”



 The Department of the Student Sector of the United Trade Union Committee gave a lecture to schoolchildren of the 6th grade of Gymnasium No. 33 on the topic «Pneumonia and how it is related to Covid-19» on Wednesday, November 23.

 To date, this topic is particularly relevant, because the incidence of pneumonia is from 3 to 15 people per 1000 population per year, so cases of diseases during flu epidemics becomes more frequent.

  The purpose of this event was to expand the knowledge of schoolchildren on the prevention of pneumonia and ways to combat it. Students together with the guys sorted out the causes of the disease, signs and complications.

  “Currently, pneumonia occupies 4-5 place in the structure of causes of death worldwide. The mortality rate from pneumonia is 25%.

  To improve the functioning of the body and prevent infectious diseases, preventive measures should be taken: lead a healthy lifestyle, as bad habits weaken the body, perform breathing exercises to improve the functioning of the heart and lungs. At the same time, we should not forget about personal hygiene, because many bacteria are transmitted by airborne droplets,” activists told schoolchildren.

Thus, the students made it clear to the schoolchildren the importance of this problem and what value our own health has for us.

Naida Jalayeva, Trade Union Committee