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Activists of the Volunteer Center held a preventive conversation “Oral hygiene” for schoolchildren



    Activists of the Volunteer Center of Dagestan State Medical University held a preventive conversation on the topic “Oral hygiene” for 9th grade students of MBEU “Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 39 named after B.Astemirov” on October 22, 2022.

   During the lecture, the volunteers told the students about the structure of the oral cavity, how to properly clean teeth, caries, its consequences, possible complications and preventive and treatment measures. The guys, in turn, asked their questions, which the activists were happy to answer. Also during the conversation, the volunteers detected future dentists among the students.

     “What is oral hygiene for? Firstly, for a healthy,beautiful smile and fresh breath.  And secondly, to prevent gum and tooth diseases, respectively. That is why it is necessary to regularly carry out professional oral hygiene and preventive examinations at the dentist. Our goal is to convey to the children the fact that oral hygiene should be an integral part of their lives. “Teeth are a mirror of the body and a person’s attitude to their health “– an activist of the Volunteer Center Dzhamal Dibirov said.