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Activists of the Volunteer Center held master classes on first aid for schoolchildren



    First aid is a set of urgent measures aimed at saving a person’s life. Сompetent first aid is necessary  in case of an accident, a sudden attack of illness, poisoning  and many other emergency situations.

    Activists of the Volunteer Center of Dagestan State Medical University conducted two training master classes for 8th grade students “Lyceum No. 52” and for 10th grade students of “Lyceum No. 22” in order to form students’ skills of quickly collecting information about the condition of the victim and choosing the most rational algorithm of actions in first aid before the arrival of an ambulance.

   The training consisted of two parts theory and practice. First, the volunteers told the students about the algorithm of action in emergency situations — how to behave in emergency situations and overcome fear and shock in order to protect themselves and others. They explained that timely and properly provided first aid reduces the treatment time, promotes the speedy healing of wounds and  it is often a decisive factor in saving the life of the victim.

     “The ability to provide first aid is an elementary, but very important skill. Situations in life are very different. It is literally possible to save a human life  with the help of first aid skills,  “- the activist noted.

       The volunteers taught schoolchildren the algorithm of first aid for burns, wounds, fainting, bleeding in the practical part. The main methods of applying pressure bandages, tourniquet, tires were analyzed. In conditions close to real, measures of “Cardiopulmonary resuscitation” and “artificial respiration” were worked out.