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Activists of the Youth Affairs Committee held a screening of the film and an intellectual game



It is known that the New Year is a long–awaited, magical holiday, it is a time of miracles and fulfillment of wishes, especially for children. However, unfortunately, many of them will have to meet it in the walls of hospitals and orphanages. And these kids are waiting for a miracle more than anyone.

Activists of Dagestan State Medical University annually try to bring the spirit of the New Year to medical and educational institutions. So, they held a charity screening of the film “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”. The event took place on December 7 in the lecture hall of the biological building of DSMU.

As part of the film screening, a fundraiser was organized for children who, by the will of fate, were left without parents. It is worth mentioning that there were a lot of caring people who wanted to contribute to the creation of a holiday for kids. Thanks to these kind, altruistic hearts, the children received their gifts. The screening itself was held in a cozy, friendly fabulous atmosphere. As a compliment, hot coffee and delicious treats were offered to the visitors.

Further, on Friday, December 9, the game “Weak Link” was held in the walls of the scientific and educational innovation building of Dagestan State Medical University. The game was attended by a team of seven people who had not previously known each other. The players answered the host’s questions, starting with the participant whose name is the first in alphabetical order.

In the main round, the team had to build a chain of 8 correct answers to earn a certain score. After the completion of each round, a vote was held. Each participant pronounced the name of the player they were voting against. The player who should leave the team was determined by a majority vote. In the final round, the guys took turns answering questions that were already more difficult than in the main game. Each player was asked 5 questions, after which the one who gave the most correct answers won.

According to the results of the game, the “strongest link” was the players who scored the most points: 1st place – Magomed Gajiev, Faculty of Pediatrics; 2nd place – Omari Aminov, Faculty of Medicine; 3rd place – Diana Kurbanova, Faculty of Pediatrics.

Despite the fact that the results of the game revealed the smartest, one of the important aspects for the Youth Affairs Committee was to involve activists in systematizing their knowledge, awakening the spirit of the winner and striving to be the best version of themselves, expanding their horizons not only in scientific, but also in a playful way.

It should be noted that the organizer of both events was the DSMU Youth Affairs Committee.