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Ali Azhubovich Huseynov passed away



Professor Ali Azhubovich Huseynov, Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases passed away on 13.07.2021, at the age of 63 after a difficult struggle with a serious illness.

Huseynov Ali Azhubovich, born on 22.07.1958, graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Dagestan Medical Institute in 1982. He worked as a district therapist, then deputy chief physician of the Gryazinskaya CRH of the Lipetsk region from 1983 to 1986. He worked as the head of the evening department of the Dagestan Basic Medical School in Makhachkala from 1987 to 1988. He completed a clinical residency at the Department of Internal Diseases of the Pediatric and Dental Faculties of the DSMU from 1988 to 1990. He worked at the Department of Faculty Therapy of the DMA since 1990, having worked his way up from a senior laboratory assistant to a Professor of the department. A. A. Huseynov defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Assessment of the response characteristics of erythrocyte membranes in patients with bronchial asthma during complex treatment with the use of microneedle therapy” in 1999, and in 2011 – his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Acoustic characteristics of respiration in patients with pulmonary diseases”. More than 120 scientific papers have been published, including 22 articles in peer-reviewed central journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, diplomas of international exhibitions in Moscow, Hanover, Helsinki, a patent for an invention. A. A. Huseynov was a member of the European and Russian Respiratory Societies. He had the highest qualification category in the specialty “internal diseases”, specialization in pulmonology. Honored Doctor of the RD. He won a grant from the Head of the RD for the project “Early detection and differentiation of respiratory disorders in pregnant women” in 2019.

The Rector’s office, the teaching staff and the students of DSMU express their sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of Ali Azhubovich and grieve with them.