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All-Russian competition “The best student rescue team”
The closing ceremony of the training camp, where the final of the competition for the Best student rescue team was held, took place in Moscow. The gathering of rescue students was held at the Greenwood Hotel from April 20 to 25. It was attended by 75 volunteers of the All-Russian Student Rescue Corps.
The competition was organized for the second time in order to identify the best practices in the functioning of student rescue teams. Volunteers at the full-time stage in Moscow presented their projects and told about their initiatives.
In total, more than 50 applications were submitted for the competition. The members of the jury allowed 29 applications, 14 applications in the category “Volunteering for safety” and 15 applications in the category “Volunteering in emergency situations”. After careful consideration of applications, viewing reports on the activities of the teams, full-time defense of projects, the jury members decided on the allocation of seats.
At the closing ceremony, the children were congratulated by the head of the All-Russian Student Rescue Corps, Yevgeny Kozeyev, and presented the winners of the competition with well-deserved awards.
The student rescue team of the Dagestan State Medical University “Snow Leopard” was represented at the gathering by a 5th-year student Amina Isayeva, who won a dummy simulator for practicing cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills.