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All-Russian Conference “Medicine in the strategy of human survival: philosophical and socio-humanitarian dimension, medical Law”



         The All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Medicine in the strategy of human survival: philosophical and socio-humanitarian dimension, medical law” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the University was held offline in the nine-storey educational and laboratory building of Dagestan State Medical University. The conference was attended by students and teachers and staff of DSMU, as well as guests from other higher educational institutions.

         The organizers were: Dagestan State Medical University, Department of Humanities and Department of History and Philosophy.

           Acting Vice-Rector for Public Relations and Social and Educational Work Elmira Abieva addressed the participants of the event with a welcoming speech on behalf of the leadership of   DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev. “Dear guests, friends, colleagues and participants! I welcome you to the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Medicine and strategies for the survival of mankind: philosophical and socio-humanitarian dimension” dedicated to the anniversary of Dagestan State Medical University. 

        Today’s conference touches on a very interesting and relevant topic that will allow you to exchange opinions, experiences and new ideas. I sincerely hope that the work at the conference will be accompanied by a fruitful and constructive discussion. I sincerely wish the conference participants to find among the variety of topics and reports something that will be interesting and useful to you. I wish you fruitful and productive work! , “– E. Abieva said.

      The head of the Department of Philosophy and History of DSMU Telman Kafarov made a greeting. Speaking about the importance of teaching humanities in medical educational institutions, he mentioned the judgment of Hippocrates: “A doctor-philosopher is like God.” He wished the conference successful work, creative interaction with colleagues participating in the event and a pleasant feeling of new progress in the field of philosophy and medical law studies.

      The first report “Russia in the conditions of the crisis of the value-normative structure of the human community” was made by the head of the Department of Philosophy of DSTU Yu. Abdulkadyrov.


    The head of the Department of Philosophy and History of DSMU T. Kafarov in his report spoke about the humanitarian basis of modern medicine.

  1. Rashidkhanova, a graduate of TSMI, an employee of the investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Dagestan, expressed a desire to speak outside the conference program. She spoke about the practice of iatrogenic crimes in the region.

     Further, the following reports were made within the framework of the conference : “Practical and linguistic ethics in modern education” –R.M. Abakarova  (Dagestan State University) ;”The best creation, according to the canonical text” – M.Yu. Yusufov; “Bioethics as a philosophy and science of human survival” – Head of the academic part of the Department of Humanities of DSMU Z.E. Abdulayeva. I read the report in the online mode, “Modern biotechnical revolution and the socio-anthropological future of man” – Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after  H.I. Ibragimov  H.V. Akaev.

     Following the results of the conference, it can be noted the high interest of participants in the speakers’ reports. The participants also noted the high level of the reports themselves, their lively discussions, as well as the hope for the continuation of the socio-humanitarian tradition of organizing the conference in the future.