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All-Russian conference with international participation “Medical ethics and deontology. Psychology of professional communication” was held at DSMU
The All-Russian Scientific and Practical conference with international participation “Medical Ethics and Deontology” was held online and offline at the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of Dagestan State Medical University on Tuesday, November 22. Psychology of professional communication”. The conference is timed to coincide with a significant anniversary date — the 90th anniversary of the founding of DSMU.
The organizers of the conference were: Dagestan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology and Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases.
Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Aida Mollaeva spoke on behalf of the Acting Rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev. “Let me congratulate all psychologists of Russia and Dagestan. Psychology is relevant in the modern world and today it is impossible to imagine the psycho-emotional state of our republic without it. Emotional well-being determines the physical health of people. This is what our psychologists are doing today, who are involved in all spheres of our life.
The development of medical ethics and deontology in our republic and in Russia, as a whole, is closely connected with the name of Professor I. A. Shamov. He has devoted his entire professional life to teaching and educating young doctors exactly the basics that all doctors must necessarily have.
He brought up in us such a sense of mercy and dedication to his work, without which a doctor cannot work today. You were convinced of this during the pandemic, when doctors working in the red zone burned out the psychoemotionally. Then it was one of the most relevant topics. It is very important to be able to work properly with a patient, because 50% of success is that we are able to properly enter into the patient’s confidence, collect anamnesis and believe in his cure. It’s a huge job.
The staff of our university preserves glorious traditions. It is a joy that we have brought up this quality in our volunteers, who proved themselves during the pandemic, showed knowledge and skills, the courage of a doctor in any situation,” N. Mollaeva said.
Deputy Minister of Health of Dagestan Raisa Shakhsinova also addressed with a welcoming speech. She thanked the organizers for touching on such medical healthcare. “Every year the importance of this issue and this problem is increasing more and more. As the previous speakers have already said, the word can both heal and wound. The outcome of medical care and the effectiveness of the treatment depends on how the words were chosen correctly and how we, doctors, build our relationships with our patients. I wish everyone positive emotions and fruitful work at the conference and that everyone gets experience and implements it in different branches of the medical organization,” the deputy minister addressed.
After welcoming words from the organizing committee of the conference, the work of the conference began.
The report “Professional burnout of medical workers as a problem of modern healthcare” was presented by the head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of DSMU, Ph.D., Professor Elmira Abieva. In her report Elmira Gajibalaevna touched upon the topic of the impact of professional burnout on the personality of a specialist, which is relevant for modern reality.
Further, the reports were read:
Professor of the Department of Faculty Surgery of DSMU, Doctor of Medical Sciences Kurbanova Z.V. (Makhachkala) – “Ethical problems of plastic surgery”;
Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Grodno State Medical University, Professor Voronko E.V. (Republic of Belarus, Grodno) – “Experience of teaching professional communication in the context of medicalization”;
Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of DSMU, MD, Prof. Shikhnebiev D.A. (Makhachkala) – “Deontological education at the Department of Propaedeutics of internal diseases”;
Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Rostov State Medical University, Doctor of Ph.D., Professor. Vlasova V.N. (Rostov-on-Don) – “Peculiarities of the attitude of the Russian population to medical services: crisis of trust”;
Assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of DSMU Shamov Z.M. (Makhachkala) – “Simulation training at a medical university: an ethical aspect”;
Head of the Department of Eye Diseases No. 2, MD, Prof. Ismailov M.I. (Makhachkala) – “Doctor-patient relationship in private medicine”;
Assistant of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of DSMU Shamov G.A. (Makhachkala) – “Conflict-free environment as an important factor of effective communication between a doctor and a patient.”
At the end of the conference, an open microphone was organized, where participants expressed their opinions about the event and shared suggestions for further work.
In the foyer of the hall, Scientific Library of DSMU organized an exhibition of scientific literature, collections in the areas of medical ethics and deontology.