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Biblionight in DSMU



On April 19, the Scientific and Medical Library of Dagestan State Medical University traditionally joined the All-Russian annual action “Biblionoch”. The event is organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Library, the Russian State Children’s Library and the Cultural Heritage Portal.

Library Director Venera Musayeva opened the event: “Biblionight” is a cultural event during which libraries, bookstores, cultural centers and literary museums work longer than usual. This year the theme of Biblionight is “Read with the whole family” and it is dedicated to the anniversary of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin and by decree of Vladimir Putin, the coming year was named the year of the great Russian poet”.

Amurbek Kachabekov, Vice-Rector for Public Relations and Social and Educational Work, addressed the participants of the event on behalf of the Rector of the University Visampasha Khanaliev. He noted: “The role of books in the life of every person is very important. A book accompanies a person throughout his life. It teaches a person to correctly assess the situation and his role in life, teaches to think and make decisions, forms a person’s own view of the world. Therefore, it is very important in modern society to preserve reading culture, to keep reading traditions in the family”.

The first part of the meeting was dedicated to family and family values “Family is a source of inspiration”. Irina Volkova, a special guest of the evening, author and performer of her own works, dedicated her speech to family values, traditions and friendship. Then she performed her songs, already widely known in the republic: “Makhachkala”, “Spring on Rhodope Boulevard”, “Khinkal” and others.

Then, Madina Dalgatova, an employee of the Publishing and Printing Center of our university, talked about “Anatomy of a book” and showed a master class on the process of publishing printed products.

Head of the Department of Scientific and Medical Literature Izumrud Aliyeva reviewed the book exhibition “Book is a stepping stone to wisdom” and talked about unique rare editions of the 19th-20th centuries from the rare books fund of the library.        

BookCrossing was also organized for students, based on the principle: “If you have read it, give it to someone else”, where those interested could take their favorite book for free and leave their own book in return.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin. Foreign students, under the guidance of Sakinat Alkadarskaya, head of the preparatory department for foreign citizens, prepared a literary composition based on Pushkin’s work “The Nightingale and the Rose”. They recited the poem in their native languages – Arabic, English, Spanish, French and Shona and Urdu. Student activists also recited Pushkin’s poem in its original language.

At the book exhibition “The centuries run, but Pushkin is eternal!”, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin, which was prepared by the library staff, were presented editions devoted to the biography of the great poet, as well as his works of art in poetry and prose.

For all the guests and participants of the event a treat “At the family hearth” was organized, where everyone could taste dishes of Dagestani cuisine. There was also a master class on cooking the Pakistani dish “Savinya” and Dagestan apricot porridge.

Active participation in the organization and conduct of the event was taken by the staff of the Department of General Hygiene and Human Ecology Umiyat Magomedova, Zarema Surkhaeva, Aishat Magomedova, and the Department of Clinical Pharmacology Elvira Agaeva.

   The event was held in a very warm and friendly atmosphere.