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Caucasus folk hero Abdula Fataliyev was vaccinated against COVID-19




On Monday, April 12, at the vaccination center located in the administrative building of the Dagestan State Medical University, the first component of the vaccination against COVID-19 was received by the Caucasus folk hero, RD honoured artist, head of the education of the masses department of the DSMU Cultural Center Abdula Fataliyev.

Being almost 82 years old, Fataliev leads an active lifestyle, takes part in the cultural and mass life of the university, and promotes a commitment to a healthy lifestyle representing his own example.

At the vaccination station, he was met by the rector of the DSMA, Suleiman Mammaev, and noted that A. Fataliev sets an excellent example of taking care of his health to the staff and students of the university. S. Mammaev gave Fataliev recommendations that should be followed after the introduction of the vaccine. The rector instructed the volunteers to monitor the health status of the vaccinated person.

Abdula Aliyevich Fataliyev was born on 22.04.1939. After graduating from high school, he entered a medical school, then served in the armed forces of the USSR from 1959 to 1982. Participated in 3 combat operations: Czechoslovakia, the Middle East and Afghanistan.

Since 1996, he has been working at the Cultural Center of the Dagestan State Medical University.