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Ceremonial event dedicated to the anniversary of the DSMU
The solemn event dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Dagestan State Medical University took place on October, 20 at the Friendship Centre. Congratulate the team and students of the university with this significant date came, Anatoly Karibov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Dagestan Republic, Director of the Medical Education and Human Resources Policy Department of the Ministry of Health of Russia Tatyana Semenova; representatives of the government; the People’s Assembly of Dagestan; the administration of Makhachkala city; the rectors of the North Caucasus Federal District and the Dagestan Republic universities; public and political figures and many others.
Before the beginning of the event, the guests were shown a film about the history of the Dagestan State Medical University formation and development. Then the rector of the DSMU Suleiman Mammayev, said: “Today, the DSMU celebrates its 85th anniversary. This is an impressive date, requiring respect and much to what is binding. The university is doing everything possible to ensure that our students receive quality education so that their life is full of bright, active, pleasant events.
In recent years, the university has reorganized the educational standards and brought them in line with the Federal State Educational Standard, international standards, improves practical-oriented training using simulation technologies in the newly opened scientific and educational innovation center. Here, students and graduates have the opportunity to get the full amount of knowledge, skills, and after the accreditation to work in the primary link and provide primary health care. The concept of continuous medical education at the postgraduate level is being improved, new educational technologies are being introduced. The university does a lot to enter the world educational space, more than two dozen contracts have been signed with leading Russian and international universities.
Today, the university forms a new cast of countenance of the university of the XXI century. Allow me to thank personally the Head of the republic, the parliament, the government for my constant understanding and support of the work being done at the university. I would especially like to thank the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the person of Veronika Igorevna Skvortsova, Minister for constant support and understanding. I want to personally thank Tatyana Vladimirovna, who, despite her busy schedule, found time and came to support the university at a turning point in the development. I want to thank the State Duma, all my colleagues – rectors of the North Caucasus Federal District and Dagestan universities, heads of ministries and departments who came to congratulate the staff of the university. With the jubilee, my beloved high school, with the anniversary, dear colleagues and students! “, S.Mammayev concluded.
On behalf of the Head and Government of the Republic of Dagestan, Anatoly Karibov made a greeting: “On behalf of the leadership of the Republic of Dagestan, I congratulate the whole staff of the State Marine University on the significant date – the 85th foundation anniversary. Over the years, university has come a long way, marked by great achievements. Of course, the university’s merits in the public health development of the republic, the preparation of highly qualified doctors, which provide medical assistance to the population of our republic, and far beyond its borders are invaluable.
Over the past years, the DSMU has become a major scientific and research republic center, possessing a developed material base and high human potential. The scientific research work is intensively developing, scientific research of scientists and students acquires international recognition, they have not only fundamental but also applied significance. Their high level is confirmed by numerous author’s witnesses, patents received in our country and abroad.
The scientific schools created by the university scientists enjoy a well-deserved reputation in the scientific community. The DSMU is developing at a particularly rapid pace in recent years – the material and technical base is being strengthened, long-term programs for the development of the research sector and innovative technologies are being implemented, and much more. “
Fulfilling the duties of First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Dagestan noted that in the education of not only professionals, but also dedicated people who give medicine and preserve the health of people all their lives, a decisive role belongs to the staff of the DSMU – a remarkable team of doctors, teachers, people devoted to their specialty.
In her speech, Tatyana Semenova read the welcome address of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova: “… Today the university is a powerful generator of new scientific and educational ideas, is the leading scientific and innovative medical and educational center of the North Caucasus, taking a worthy place among Russian medical schools. I am sure that, having sufficient potential, the university will multiply its successes. I wholeheartedly congratulate the staff of the university on this significant date. Sincerely I wish fruitful work, creative successes, further steady ascent to new achievements and discoveries. Strong health and well-being ».
On her own behalf, Tatyana Vladimirovna noted that all the victories that are in the health care of the Dagestan Republic are the victories of the university staff studying at the Dagestan State Medical University. “The defeats, which today, unfortunately, occur in the health care sector, including RD, is also our defeat. Having in its subject an institution with such a rich tradition, excellent schools, devoted people, constantly replenishing the team with young people, taking up innovative tasks facing healthcare, the republic will prosper, the Dagestan people will be healthy and happy. Peace to your home, a peaceful sky above your head, “said Semenova.
In the course of the solemn event were also made: State Duma Deputy Abdulmazhid Magramov, Deputy Chairman of the People’s Assembly of the Tajikistan Republic Mahmud Mahmudov, Deputy Mayor of Makhachkala Zapir Alkhasov, Health Minister RD Tanka Ibragimov, participants of the North- Caucasian scientific and educational medical cluster North- rector of the Stavropol State University Vladimir Koshel, rector of the North Ossetian State Academy Oleg Remizov, director of the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute Vsevolod Adzhienko, the director of the educational work of the Medical Institute of the Chechen State University Hizir Bataev, the rectors of the Dagestan Republic universities, the representatives of the Azerbaijan Medical University and the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctorsnamed after A. Aliyev and many others.
There were many welcome words addressed to the staff and students of the Dagestan State Medical University. All the speakers noted that the DSMU is an advanced and dynamically developing university that carefully respects the traditions of its teachers while introducing new technologies that improve the quality of training of specialists with medical and pharmaceutical education.
In the course of the solemn event, a ceremony was also held to reward a number of employees of the Universitr with awards from the leadership and the People’s Assembly of the Republic, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Dagestan Republic, the administration of Makhachkala city.
In addition, by the order of the rector of the DSMU, the title of honorary professors of the university was awarded to his graduates: Chairman of the Committee of the People’s Assembly of the Dagestan Republic for Health and Social Policy, Head of the Department of Phthisiopulmonology of the State Medical University Visampasha Khanaliev; First Deputy Director of the Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology (Moscow) Hasan Davudov; Arsen Rasulov, head of the surgical department of the Cancer Center named after Blokhin; head of the department – doctor-radiologist of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics of the Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Alikhan Alikhanov; Head of the Laboratory of Ultrasound Research Methods of the Institute of Cardiology named after A.L. Myasnikova, Professor of the Department of Cardiology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Marina Saidova; to the Higher Senior Officer of the center of the research institute of stomatology and maxillofacial surgery (Moscow) Zharullah Ashuev; Professor of the Department of Faculty Surgery No. 1 of the Moscow State Medical University Gaziyav Musayev; Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases and Clinical Angiology of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after Evdokimov Rasulu Gadzhimuradov. The medal “For services to the State Medical University” was presented to the Minister of Health of Dagestan Republic Tanka Ibragimov.
The solemn event was accompanied by a concert program with the participation of Dagestan stars and the Culture Center of Dagestan State Medical University. The evening ended with the joint performance by the participants of the concert of the anthem of the University, written by the university staff .
DSMU Press Service