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Ceremony of laying flowers at the monument of health workers who died in the fight against COVID-19




On Friday, June 18, on the eve of the Health Worker Day, Dagestan State Medical University held a solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to health workers who died in the fight against the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), located on the territory of the Biocorpus. The occasion was attended by the acting rector of DSMU Naida Mollaeva, Minister of Health Tatyana Belyaeva, Head of the RD Republican Committee of Trade Unions of Health Workers, employees and students of the university.

The event was opened by N. Mollaeva. She congratulated everyone on the upcoming professional holiday. “The work of health workers is a round-the-clock work, thanks to which thousands of lives are saved. This is the work of people who have the best human qualities: kindness, patience, endurance, compassion, the desire to help people in times of need”.

Our university has all the conditions and opportunities to train competitive professionals for regional health care. During the pandemic of coronavirus infection, staff and university students worked side by side with doctors in the “red” and “green” areas of hospitals, actively helping the population as volunteers. And today, we are working together with the Ministry of Health of the republic to counteract the spread of coronavirus infection. In particular, a single call center on COVID-19 issues was opened on the facility of the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center, where our students and residents worked around the clock.

Last year, at the initiative of the university administration, a monument was opened to the health workers of Dagestan who died in the fight against the spread of a new coronavirus infection. And today we pay tribute to those who died fulfilling their trust. On the territory of the Biocorpus there are two monuments, one to the memory of the staff and students of the DMI who fell during the Second World War, the second to the memory of those who died in the fight against COVID-19. Many of them are our graduates. We are proud of each of them.

And today health workers of Dagestan and Russia are at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus infection. Vaccination is the main method of preventing infection. Our university, together with the Ministry of Health of Dagestan, is actively raising awareness about the need for vaccination to create collective immunity and defeat the disease. “Dear colleagues and students, once again I congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday. I wish each of you health, happiness, well-being, achievement of great success in our difficult professional activities”, — she said.

Tatyana Belyaeva, Zumrud Buchaeva, People’s Artist of the RD, employee of the DSMU Culture Center Abdula Fataliev also congratulated the participants on the holiday, who noted the contribution of the DSMU leadership, in particular, Rector Suleiman Mammayev in the fight against the spread of COVID-19, spoke about the symbolism of the monument’s construction on the territory of the medical university and the great educational role of this monument.

DSMU Cultural Center Activists presented a small concert program dedicated to medical professionals working during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection.

DSMU Press Service